Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Dream Still Lives - Nur in Stille Sind Wir Besiegt #FeelTheBern

'Only in silence are we defeated'

The attempts to silence you will be redoubled now as there are clarion calls to unite, unite, unite, do it for the good of America, NASCAR, and fat bottom girls.

(Ed:  unite with Clinton at Goldman Sachs?)

That would be a bring your own marmalade show for sure.

The media will get even more insufferable and we're not upgrading to becoming pundit fortune teller prognosticators since you can see they're already doing it.  The mantra will go up all over the social networks and this has started already, conform, conform, conform.

Perhaps conformity was your dream but it was never a dream at the Rockhouse because nothing good ever came from conforming to anyone else's expectations.  That sort of behavior will bring down anything from a marriage to civilization.

Don't taint your dream too much dawdling overlong on the inadequacies of Trump and Clinton since that will spoil you but won't have any effect on anyone else.  The people who support them have already got into their trances to the point of wearing red, white, and blue and waving pom poms at inappropriate times.   When you don't look to cheerleaders for genius, why do you look for it in the political parties.

We know the world needs to resolve disparities in wealth because of the known social dysfunction which has arisen and will continue as a result of it.  The need is obvious and the only question is how but we also know it does not work now and action is required or no positive change is possible.

We know the wild increases in militarization favored by special interests in each country need to be reduced to some level which makes common sense and we know that is not happening now.

We know everyone in the world has basic rights to air, water, food and shelter.  When there is an outbreak of Ebola in Nigeria, the world makes a great show of trying to contain it and save the victims of it.  Why not at any other time and why not with the people in your own countries.  Medical care should never be contingent on anyone's ability to pay for it.

These are obvious things and various high-ticket do-nothings can come up with all kinds of speech time in reviewing why they can't do anything but that will do nothing toward progress.  Conform to that flaccidity ... or not.

We will not and the dream is more alive than it has ever been because this isn't a Tinkerbell fantasy but the vision of the future of humanity.  You can see it too or you would not be here.

Calm yourself as there as reason only comes in peace.  From there we will go forward and the time of that dream will come.

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