Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Problem with the Democrat Party is Unchanged: No Backbone

It didn't even take hours before it started with STFU if you don't shift to Hillary Clinton.  In other words, if you don't show the same flexibility of moral backbone exhibited by a salamander in switching to Clinton then you have no right to speak.

In fact, we believe those who so easily switch positions have no right to speak since the Democrats have been gutted by their own sickly sweet complaisance (i.e. cowardly lack of principle) just as the Republicans have been gutted by forgetting altogether what the principles of the party even were back when they were somewhat less corrupt.

(Ed:  the GOP was hugely less corrupt under Eisenhower!)

Fair enough but that was sixty-five years and using Eisenhower a cover for what the GOP became right after that is a public outrage.  On the one side is Eisenhower and on the other is Tom Cotton so you will seriously tell me the GOP evolved in any positive direction.

In other words, Eisenhower was not a moderate example of 'modern Republicans' but rather he did not assemble the second-tier stooges in any way whatsoever.

The GOP didn't disintegrate with Reagan, he just made the process as cheap and tacky as possible with the result being America had no real goals anymore.

Bill Clinton followed Reagan's trade policies and a substantial part of the economic disparity today is because of what he did to the Democrats, in effect making that party a drone surrogate for the GOP.

Obama was not a substantive change away from Clinton's 'policies' and we still observe to discover his backbone since the Clintons didn't really cash into the Washington gravy train until after his Presidency, after which time they amassed an incredible fortune of far over one hundred million dollars ... without ever delivering anything discernible to the public but made clear by the pattern of HRC's weapons sales.

(Ed:  what about George Bush?)

There isn't an original bone in his body and he's entirely inconsequential.  Where Eisenhower was Boudika, George Bush was just Taylor Swift acting like a warrior preciously while waving flags and evincing a patriotic smile.

America built a Presidential library for him ... but there are no books in it, only bloodstained copies of Gunner's Digest.  He's even inconsequential to the GOP as you saw their shame in the way they kept him hidden as much as possible during the 2012 and 2016 campaigns.

At the same time the GOP has been ashamed of George Bush, Barack Obama continued his catastrophic foreign policy and respect for America steadily dissolved around the world because of it, at least any which remained and was not drowned in the Mediterranean trying to escape the bombing.

Bernie Sander is strong and he said last night he will not stand down.  Neither will we.  The people of France needed a miracle to rid themselves of the Tory invaders from England ... and they got Joan of Arc.  America is sorely needing a miracle for exactly the same reason and maybe all of Sanders's supporters will burn with him but the New School Inquisitors can never shake our faith in him.  (CNN:  Bernie Sanders pledges to stay in race)

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