Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trust a Good Man to Find the Best People - Words from Bernie Sanders

No candidate for president, not Bernie Sanders, not the greatest president you could possibly imagine, can take on the billionaire class alone.

Your support for down-ballot candidates has already completely changed a number of races overnight. I ask you to support these progressive candidates because no matter what happens in this election, we need more progressives at every level of office for years to come. And emails like this make that happen.

I'm supporting two new challengers for Congress, and asking you to support our four other endorsed challengers. We desperately need these progressives in Congress, and you can make it happen.

Eric Kingson is a new candidate I'm endorsing for Congress in New York. I've worked with Eric for years to help stop cuts to Social Security, and our efforts paid off this week when President Obama actually spoke out for expanding Social Security. Eric should continue this progress in Congress.

Lucy Flores endorsed my campaign for president, and she paid a price for it when an establishment group endorsed her millionaire opponent. Lucy's primary in Nevada is one week from today, so your support is very much needed in her election.

Paul Clements is another new candidate I'm endorsing for Congress in Michigan. He's running to unseat a member of Congress who denies that climate change is real, and who only won his last election because of spending by the Koch brothers.

Zephyr Teachout dedicated her life to fair elections, campaign finance reform, and strengthening our democracy. Pramila Jayapal led the fight to increase Seattle's minimum wage and for paid sick leave. She isn't afraid to take on powerful special interests. And Tim Canova is a progressive challenging Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party.

I'm asking you to support these candidates because our movement is so powerful that we can change elections overnight. Let's do it for these six amazing progressives.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

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