Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Messenger: Joan of Arc w/Milla Jovovich

The movie is sumptuous and passionate featuring multiple major actors including Milla Jovovich giving an incredibly intense portrayal of Joan of Arc.  Part of the reason for watching was multiple women talk about representing women but I wanted to see someone who actually did something about it.  Another part of the reason was having seen a previous version of the movie from quite a few years earlier and was impressed by it.

There was tremendous in-your-face reality to the 1999, Milla Jovovich, version and this precluded the more spiritual presentation in the older movie.  There is wonderful passion to the 1999 version but it becomes more intellectual than passionate, particularly in discussion with Dustin Hoffman, who represents one of the Voices, God, her subconscious mind, whatever you like.  Those discussions are highly-dispassionate toward discovering the actual motivations within Joan.

Whether one is better than the other is for the interested student to review but the photography in the newer one has an obvious advantage with better cinema technology and it's well-used for a beautiful result.  Beauty is variable for a movie primarily featuring medieval savagery in battle but they do an excellent job of it, similarly to how it was handled in "Braveheart."

Tremendous artistic license is taken regarding dialog with Joan.  It's unclear how accurately the movie tracked the discussion in open court since the transcripts from her trials were preserved.  However, the discussion with Dustin Hoffman is entirely projection and don't take that as any attempt to marginalize it since the conversation is brilliant but whether it's 'real' is up to you.

Possibly amusing side-note:   we noticed particularly the garb worn by the nobility in the French court since that had some remarkable similarities to the garb of the nobility of the Empire in both film versions of "Dune."

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