Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Now Hillary Clinton Tries Yet Another Sleaze Stunt to Take California

Chicago politics traditionally have been so corrupt all the victims of the Valentine's Day Massacre were still voting forty years after they were shot.  That is (may be) an exaggeration but dead people routinely voted in Mayor Daley's Chicago and that city was said to be the origin for the expression of 'vote early and often.'

The machine was impenetrable and it was pointless for anyone except Daley's preferred candidate to go to Chicago because no-one else would have a chance.

Wasserman Schultz has been a willing tool in letting Bill Clinton and his beboobed sidekick do the same thing to the DNC.  She's the same one who failed to deliver a fourth debate between Clinton and Sanders in California and thus further pushed the process away from populism and more toward the politics of smoky back rooms in bars.

Last night we saw one network after the other declaring Clinton the nominee for the Democrats and that's not misunderstanding of the electoral process but rather it's deliberately disingenuous hogwash timed specifically to try to manipulate the vote in California tomorrow.

At best, Clinton can be the presumed nominee but it's not official until the Democrats deem it so at their convention and you can bank it will be contested after the wildly-corrupt process we have observed and the DNC has been too arrogant to even try to hide.

Here's a word from a real Presidential candidate and not Clinton who is just a second-rate copy of a previous failure:

Tuesday marks the largest set of primaries and caucuses in the Democratic nomination process with six states voting for president and 694 pledged delegates up for grabs.

Pundits and the political press want to call this race early before every last person votes. That threatens to suppress voter turnout in New Jersey, California, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and New Mexico. But we’re not going to let that happen.

On Tuesday, we’re going to defy the pundits once more and reach for the kind of high voter turnout that will again shock the establishment. Help reach Bernie voters:

To get logged on and start making calls, just head on over to our California phonebanking page.

Throughout this race, we’ve been sending the establishment a message they can’t ignore: we won’t settle for the status quo. We won’t settle for a rigged economy held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance. We won’t settle for a fossil fuel industry hell-bent on harming our planet to pad their profits. We won’t settle for a health system that doesn’t cover everyone.

Let’s make our voices heard loud and clear once more in the six states voting Tuesday. Please make calls to get out the vote for Bernie in California.

In California, a high voter turnout won’t just mean a victory for our movement. With large numbers of young people hitting the polls, we’ll boost so many Democrats in major primaries that right-wing Republicans will be locked out of general election ballots for some of the most important House and Senate races of the fall.

Members of the media and political establishment may have anointed Secretary Clinton from day one, but we know that this race is going to carry on until the delegates cast ballots at the convention in Philadelphia.

We should let the voters decide who they want the Democratic nominee to be rather than having the media decide for them. I am asking you to continue to stand with Bernie in pushing for the political revolution.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016

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