Monday, June 6, 2016

The World's Only Wind Surfing Turtle w/pic

Note:  the title is only the first one which occurred which was even marginally politically correct.

The picture is actually the consequence of golfers carrying their prescriptions for Viagra in their golf bags.  Every time they lose one of those prescriptions and golfers use a lot of it, the Viagra ends up in the golf course water hazards and you see above what it does to wildlife.

(Ed:  why do you say golfers use so much Viagra?)

Let's review:  you have some guy who spent thousands of dollars to get the kit to hit a tiny ball a few hundred yards so he can walk to wherever the ball went and hit again.  This is not an example of someone who can ever get anything done by himself.  So they eat a lot of Viagra ... but usually end up with wives even more inconsequential than Heidi Cruz.

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