Monday, June 6, 2016

Twitticisms 6/6 - 1

06-06-2016 02:43:54 - Ithaka Blog: The World's Only Wind Surfing Turtle w/pic: Note:  the title is only the first one which occurre...
06-06-2016 02:37:34 - GEICO doesn't do anything more for the military than Budweiser when they put American flags on their sick beer cars. Pandering parasites.
06-06-2016 02:32:30 - GEICO says they supported the military for seventy-five years. Easy to say but what did those pandering pimps do and please do be precise.
06-06-2016 02:25:49 - Ithaka Blog: "A Change is Gonna Come" - Sam Cooke (video): The change comes slowly when people have so little...
06-06-2016 02:04:46 - Ithaka Blog: What's Hot on the Blog 6/5: EntryPageviewsEstablishment GOP Looks at a Vote for ClintonJun 5, 20...
06-06-2016 01:53:38 - The only reason anyone sees any entertainment value in social networks is because TV became so awful there's nothing better to do.
06-05-2016 15:12:58 - Dixie Chicks Flash Photo of Donald Trump With Devil Horns During Cincinnati Concert | They're unstoppable!
06-05-2016 14:55:40 - Sanders: Clinton too willing to use U.S. military | She was a large part of the fiasco in Libya @CNNPolitics
06-05-2016 09:52:47 - Ithaka Blog: Happy Birthday to Mystery Lady Plus a Silas Video: May this day be adorned with those little yel...
06-05-2016 05:06:56 - Ithaka Blog: Inspired as Ever by Muhammad Ali: Few have ever stood so forthrightly for peace, human rights, a...
06-05-2016 04:08:24 - So really the only question remaining of any importance is whether Julie Cox showed us the best image of Princess Irulan in "Dune"
06-05-2016 04:05:40 - CNN offers to show #HillaryClinton's wrath but the real novelty would be to show her demonstrating anything else. #FeelTheBern #Bernie2016
06-05-2016 03:49:00 - You never hear Hillary Clinton talking about Woodstock or peace because she supported Barry Goldwater and was still blinking from his loss.
06-05-2016 02:41:29 - Ithaka Blog: Establishment GOP Looks at a Vote for Clinton: For GOP to consider any Clinton for anything exce...
06-04-2016 21:47:35 - US warns Beijing on ‘great wall of self-isolation’ | Paper Tiger Carter bluffs since sanctions kill US economy too
06-04-2016 21:29:37 - Clinicians implant world's smallest pacemaker | Meridian Health
06-04-2016 19:50:17 - Thousands of atheists say they rallied in Washington D.C. today but (sob) no-one believes them and #DonaldTrump wants proof it happened.
06-04-2016 19:48:51 - Sanders: There will be a contested Dem convention | He will never tolerate Establishment corruption @CNNPolitics

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