Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Election 2016 is Over for Any Progress Toward an Ethical America

With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton the presumptive candidates for each party, there is no longer any reason to participate in the election since there is no chance of an ethical candidate from either side, both grub for money by selling influence.  The parties couldn't have flaunted more brazenly the way an election is not won but rather engineered.  It's been a shameful thing to watch but, given it's America, it's hardly surprising.

Meanwhile, Facebook is winding back all the memes from the last eight years and they're changing 'the black guy' to 'the devil woman' so they can use them all over again.  In this case, she is a devil woman so we may distribute some as well but doing it is superfluous now.  America has decided it wants more corruption so who are we to stand in the way of staying exactly the same.

Start the countdown until the litany starts, 'if you don't vote then don't bitch,' but that's just more mindless intimidation and there's been so much of it this season it doesn't have an effect any longer.  Abstention is a valid voting right and it's the appropriate choice when neither candidate reaches any acceptable ethical standard.

There's comedy in it since the loyalists for both parties have no vote.  The Round Heels Boys in Congress are rolling over for Trump like jelly donut bowling pins but the true GOP loyalists don't want any more part of Trump than the Democrat loyalists want of Clinton.

Mentioned previously on the blog is that some of the GOP loyalists consider a vote for Clinton because she's as far-right wing as they could ever hope in a so-called Democrat and there's no chance of implementing a public health care option in the Affordable Care Act.

Note:  you can take that to the bank and those words are chosen deliberately because a public health option for Affordable Care won't happen no matter who is elected; it's simply a bad idea with poorly-evaluated financial support (i.e. funds will be diverted from Social Security and elsewhere for zero sum gain in social benefits).

The GOP is stuck with some really poor choices since they need to keep skanks like Tom Cotton around to really make life a living hell for Clinton or Trump as well, for that matter.  However, GOP candidates like Tom Cotton are exactly why the GOP is in the toilet with praying instead of policy and pandering instead of problem-solving.

In some ways, we're relieved to bail out of this travesty of an electoral process.  It's like a damn Indiana Jones movie in which it gets worse at every single turn.  Even if you wend your way through the corrupt morass of super delegates at the primary level, there is still the Electoral College for the final level of electoral chicanery to guarantee the Will of the People has almost nothing to do with the result.

As to who wins now in 2016 ... what difference does it make.

Note:  that's not rhetorical as we don't give a fuck.  We're fed-up with corrupt politicians and they just rubbed our faces in it.  Fuck 'em.

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