Thursday, June 16, 2016

Fillums for Dad to Watch with an Older Kid - Updated

We saw the basic list of  fillums (i.e. Oz slang for films) for Dad the other day but we thought it was aimed for children too young to be interested in much beyond cartoons.  (Blog:  Fillums for Dad to Watch With his Kid)

This time around is to revise it for kids with whom we might be able to talk about the content a little bit.

Here's the first list and this is as it was at the original site (link is in the original article):
  1. "Star Wars"
  2. “E.T.”
  3. “Jurassic Park”
  4. “Forrest Gump”
  5. “Toy Story”
  6. “Shrek”
  7. “Rocky”
  8. “Avatar”
  9. “The Lion King”
  10. “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
  11. “Finding Nemo”
  12. “Back to the Future”
  13. “The Karate Kid”
  14. “Home Alone”
  15. “Ghostbusters”
  16. “The Incredibles”
  17. “The Goonies”
  18. “Field of Dreams”
  19. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
  20. “Jaws”
  21. “Independence Day”
  22. “Spider-Man”
  23. “Big”
  24. “Gremlins”
  25. “Iron Man”

For little ones, where were "Bambi" and "Old Yeller" ??

Here's the list for kids who are bit older:
  1. “Star Wars”
  2. “A Day at the Races” (Marx Brothers)
  3. “Jurassic Park”
  4. “Second-Hand Lions”
  5. “Big Fish”
  6. “Guardians of the Galaxy”
  7. “Real Genius"
  8. “Avatar”
  9. “The Horse's Mouth"
  10. “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
  11. “Back to the Future”
  12. “The Karate Kid”
  13. “Ghostbusters”
  14. “Love Actually”
  15. “Field of Dreams”
  16. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
  17. “Castaway” (was "Jaws" and that should have gone on the first cut)
  18. “Independence Day”
  19. ""Braveheart"
  20. “Iron Man”
  21. "Count of Monte Cristo" (1975 version)
  22. "Galaxy Quest"
  23. "National Treasure"
  24. "Doc Hollywood"
  25. "Lord of the Rings"

While the 'target kid' for this list is older than the first list, this one is not quite a teenager.  Some of these may be too advanced for a kid at that age.  Practically everything in it is negotiable either because you think of a better one or you don't think a selection is appropriate for that age.

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