Thursday, June 16, 2016

Twitticisms 6/16 - 1

06-16-2016 08:23:24 - Sending prayers is the New Age way of saying, "Kiss my ass, I'm not coming."
06-16-2016 07:56:05 - Leading candidates talk of sex in toilets because they stick to what they know best but what of the nuke which just went live in Tennessee?
06-16-2016 07:51:53 - New Zealand calls for tech specialists | Possible match for programmers with hairy feet via @computerweekly
06-16-2016 07:49:30 - Spam King dethroned: 2 1/2 years behind bars & hefty fine for leading FB ‘phisher’
06-16-2016 07:46:28 - ‘Ferguson effect’ to blame? DOJ study points to ‘unprecedented’ homicide rise
06-16-2016 07:44:32 - Hacktivist cracks ISIS Twitter accounts, posts rainbow flags & gay porn as payback for Orlando boast
06-16-2016 07:43:03 - Apple's Trent Reznor says YouTube built on stolen content, pushes Apple Music | Kill the indies! via @AppleInsider
06-16-2016 07:41:15 - Research shows reversal of memory loss from Alzheimer's in ten patients | Buck Institute for Research on Aging
06-16-2016 07:39:11 - Women's work hours linked to alarming increases in cancer, heart disease. Welcome to the workforce, li'l cherubs.
06-16-2016 07:29:25 - Ithaka Blog: Invasion of Europe by the Grasseaters from Greece and Turkey: Before you go flipping the channel...
06-16-2016 07:19:56 - One of the few things available in limitless abundance on the planet is human fecundity
06-16-2016 06:43:09 - Should hit 38C in Tarrant County today and when it gets like that only Englishmen go to market at high noon.
06-16-2016 06:29:25 - Ithaka Blog: Tell Them What They Want to Hear: Yep, tell them what they want to hear and they will follow you...
06-16-2016 02:50:01 - RT @CoffeePartyWab: Payday loan borrowing is widespread in #Indiana, with high-interest loans—sometimes carrying the equivalent of a... htt…
06-16-2016 02:49:27 - RT @CoffeePartyWab: A “lone hacker” calling him or herself “Guccifer 2.0” has claimed responsibility for hacking the Democratic...
06-16-2016 02:42:39 - Ithaka Blog: Whitest Things You Can Possibly Say: There's some consideration needed for the whitest of the wh...
06-16-2016 01:53:42 - If politicians are any more than lackeys for Big Pharma, why do we never hear calls for banning advertising of prescription drugs.
06-16-2016 01:05:10 - Bernie Sanders is trapped by political correctness regarding anything he can say about Hillary Clinton. Damn shame.
06-16-2016 01:03:49 - Ithaka Blog: Gun Control and Listening to Tiny Tim Songs: Tiny Tim did a version of "Tiptoe Through the Tulip...
06-16-2016 00:25:24 - Ithaka Blog: Terrorized by the News and the American Church of Sophistry and Hateful Tendencies: Hearing Megy...

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