Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sanders Says Yes to Legal Reefer Because Too Many in Jail

Regardless of whether you think reefer is morally right or wrong, it's insane to have more people in jail than in China even though they have at least three times the U.S. population.  So many are in prison here for crimes which do no harm to anyone.  It's been shown multiple times prisons do not rehabilitate anyone but rather they typically teach people to be criminals.  Keeping people out of prison unless it is clearly required due to the harm they represent or they damage they caused is vitally important, even if only for the money it saves.

Polls are all over the place with none of them yielding anything particularly credible.  The ones I've seen show Sanders with a huge win over Clinton but the polls are informal and don't mean a whole lot.

Sanders also said he doesn't know how anyone in the U.S. could live on $10,000 or $11,000 a year.  My Social Security income is less than that and there is no other income source.

It's nice to hear positive talk to the future but it can't possibly change anything in time to make any difference for me ... so ... I'm going to smoke a bowl of illegal Texas reefer ... and thoroughly enjoy the moment.

I've just been advised the income has been cut by a hundred dollars and change.  That became effective last night.

I'm not feeling sorry for myself because, as Richard Pryor said, "Black people never commit suicide because they're too hip to suffering."

There isn't even much angry because angry is too heavy to carry around.

So I smoke a bowl.

Peoples, sometimes they talk about religion for times like this but that's a lot of promises which don't do nothin'.  Down here we have the Great God Mescalito as he doesn't promise any damn thing.  He just likes to hang out and get high.  You know he's not bullshit because he never said he would do anything anyway.

Yah, that's how you know.

So, where's that hippie parade of ganja mamas in their peasant blouses and their blue jeans, all ready to listen to some Hendrix, blow some reefer, and screw like gorillas?

(Ed:  you might be waiting at the wrong bus stop, Rip van Winkle.  Oh, and how do gorillas screw?)

Dunno, never had a gorilla.

Maestro, rim shot, please.

We're thinking it's time ... it's time ... forrrrrrr ...

The Smoke a Bowl with Bernie Show

Sanders said he tried it a few times but he didn't get much out of it.  What that tells us is this:  skanky reefer.  That probably means it was a long time ago and, all together now:  THAT DOES NOT COUNT.

So, if we're going to Smoke a Bowl with Bernie, first we have to talk him into it.

(Ed:  Violation of the First Ganjian Law - No virgins)

Yes, technically you are correct ... but ... the cat is seventy, man.  Cut him some slack, if you would ... just a wee bit of latitude.  He needs a good buzz before he kicks off the coil, yes?

Sanders may not want to do it and he may think it will dull his fire.  Fair enough, Fireman.  If you're thinking that then likely it will.  Don't smoke it now, wait until the Oval Office.  That would be cool, right?

Of course, the Oval Office will need a few changes ... because ... because ... nothin' ever fookin' changes in there, not even the flowers.  It needs much better audio to play to that unique acoustic profile of an oval room as the reverberations could be spectacularly weird.  That would make listening to Hendrix as tripful as it could possibly get.

And, what the hell, let's kick on the TV and address the nation.

Heya, I'm President Bernie and I just wanted to tell you everything is fucking cool.  Let me have another hit off that bong, would you?

You go, Bernie!

(Ed:  silly dreams)

Um, what??  You know of any practical dreams, do you?

Say there, President Bernie, do you ever dream about the best way to put a deck on a house, how to put Saran Wrap on a turkey, or why there isn't a better decay-preventing dentifrice?

Bernie replies, nope.  Want a hit?

We don't think he would do it but we would sure be willing any time.  He would be fascinating and his ideas sparkle like those of a young man.  Conversation with him would be delicious and his passion for ideas would enthrall the room so, hell yes, we would blow a bowl with Bernie any time.


Anonymous said...

All Bernie is doing is giving people false hope and sending Hillary to the Oval Office
Thanks Bernie. He is cool but has no chance
I wish the dems had a real candidate because otherwise Trump might just backdoor it

Unknown said...

It's realistic as he was the only one to mention taxation on Wall Street speculation and no need to dance on what that means because I'm sure you know the good ones from the bad ones. I also know for sure this was an area of positive agreement with my Republican friend so Sanders has to know already he can make this deal.

One of the biggest obvious flaws with Clinton was obvious pandering to the middle class in saying she will lower tax rates for them. You know without even shuffling the cards and playing that one will never happen and it should not.

Trump remains a disaster. So he builds hotels. That only means he knows where to make payments to the Mafia so they don't short him on the concrete and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

She cant lower taxes on the middle class They dont pay any. Unless she increases EIC

Unknown said...

That was an in-your-face hoax and she wasn't called out on it. That kind of rubbishy pandering pisses me off no matter who does it.