Friday, October 16, 2015

It Isn't Always Political

Sometimes it gets a tad heavy here with political matters and I've got a bit of apologetic for that but some of the political material is so shocking I believe it warrants comment.  This one gets a bit of political before wrapping but the primary point of it is not political.

The actual real world situation is I need medical care and I'm not getting it.  That's the fact and the immediate situation is skin cancer.

There has been a number of basal cell carcinomas on my rippling physique and these go back about twenty years since dermatologists nicked off the first one.  The basal cell carcinoma type of skin cancer is not malignant and it's a minor to intermediate surgical procedure to get rid of them.

One of these carcinomas was just above my upper lip (i.e. in the mustache area).  Removing that one about ten years ago in Rhode Island took an elaborate surgery in which they removed some tissue, sent it off for biopsy, and repeated that procedure until they were sure there were no cancer cells remaining.

That worked ... but I lost the ability to whistle.  Seriously.  I didn't make the connection for some while but then I realized it's the only thing which could have done it.  The surgery changed something about the way the muscles work on a small part of my lip and that makes it hard to whistle.

Note:  that's not a complaint, it's just unusual.  It wasn't until recently that I figured what must have caused it.

The situation now is a mole which is growing, has clearly different colors, and it itches.  If any of you know how it goes with skin cancer, that is definitely bad news.

The problem has been shown to VA several times and there has been the intention to schedule a dermatologist but nothing has come of it.  Yes, I understand I have to dog them to get it but this has already taken a year and still nothing has happened and there is no telling how long it will take to get anything happening.

Many of you don't believe this happens or don't believe it can happen in America.  I don't want to believe no-one cares it happens as it's far from being just me.  The situation is common with VA because the GOP continually cuts at the VA and attacks them because their actual purpose is to privatize it.

There will be a cardiac stress test on October 20 but that doesn't even matter that much to me.  No matter what they find is wrong with it, there's little they can do about it and that problem is self-inflicted anyway.

Skin cancer was not self-inflicted as no-one had any idea of the danger of excessive exposure to sun until I was well past the time of sun adoration.  We got so much sun in Australia that most of us were blonde most of the time.

Note:  my family is definitely not mostly blonde.

Even though I have zero expectation of anything in this election having any bearing on me, it is still vitally important to me to do everything I can to make damn sure what is happening to me cannot happen to anyone else.

There is no money and there's not one damn move I can make except begging VA to look at it.  Eventually they will but cancer doesn't wait for eventually.  Do not suggest for a moment, I have not prompted them as that's what came again from the most recent visit.  This is most emphatically not from any lackadaisical attitude on my part.

The lackadaisical attitude comes directly from the Tea Party and people like me pay the price for it.

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