Thursday, October 15, 2015

Green Party Setting Itself Afire to Finish the Job at Noon Today - Updated

Jill Stein announced today she will set herself and much of Cody, Wyoming, afire today to protest the behavior of the Philistines who attend to her.  Like Moses, she said, she will break the Green Party stones on the heads of the Green Party nitwits who snipe and chafe on Facebook in endless useless provocation and pointless supplication to the Whale God.

Stein said Europe takes the Green Party seriously whereas America does not and her lazy ass supporters should stop adoring themselves on Facebook and get out to the street for canvassing, door-to-door ... you know ... fucking work for the party.

Go into Facebook if you like and read them as they stroke themselves.  It's more nauseating than listening to Megyn Kelly except Ted Nugent doesn't get naked to watch them.  At least, we don't think he does.  Frankly, we don't want to know what turns him on but he wasn't giving up any bone to the wife who just walked.

These fuckin' Greens have become Jehovah's Witnesses in their endless prattling of their own incompetence.  In fact, the Greens would do better if they worked as hard as Jehovah's Witnesses.

But they don't.  They login to Facebook and whine.


I swear to Almighty Jehovah, ... (you know I take everything else in vain but not that)

within five minutes of publishing this article, two Jehovah's Witnesses, little old ladies as the benign hausfraus for Jesus, were knocking on the door and asking if I would like a copy of The Watchtower.

(Ed:  then you acted like an asshole?)

Actually, no.  I said 'no need.  Good day to you.'

Note:  that's Texas as most people waste their assholeness on minor things but Texans don't believe in being an asshole unless it's necessary to be an asshole and, should it become necessary, you make yourself such a gigantic bitch they can't fookin' stand it.  Short of that, no need to be an asshole.

They didn't even argue but rather were polite and split.  I confess it might be from my dress which consisted of a pair of pajama pants, no shirt, an unzipped hoodie, and my hair uncombed.  Right away she had asked, we did not wake you up, I hope.

Nope, lady.  I look like this all the time (larfs).
(I did not say that)

So, nah, they didn't argue their case.  And good day to them.

Note:  you can't invent stuff like this ... or at least I can't or I would have written it the first time.

Bernie Sanders didn't bring up his presence with any corporate bribery.  He did it on thirty-dollar donations maximum.  There was nothing to stop the Green Party from doing this as Sanders has been opposed by media, advertising blitzes, etc, etc.

The people in the Green Party don't understand they are not economically viable.

Likely they're way too hip to have seen Michael Douglas in "Falling Down" but he knows what it means if you are not 'economically viable' and so did a black guy who could not get a loan because he was not 'economically viable.'  It's a short scene in the movie but it's the gist of the entire story.  The content of it is the consequence when you're not economically viable.

Key line from Douglas:  (incredulous)  You mean I'm the bad guy?

Answer:  yes.  And he was.


Get yer lazy ass off Facebook and work for it if you want it to happen.  Anything less is a fantasy land regardless of whether you're drugged in any way.

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