Friday, July 3, 2015

You Can Have Freedom Or You Can Have the CIA

At least since the 1950's, the CIA has been pushing what is loosely an anti-Communist agenda and this has been continuous regardless of the political bent of the administration in power at the time.  The agenda is carried forward by career blackhats in the CIA with some political appointees at the top.  George Bush the Former did a tour as CIA Director prior to his Presidency.

This is not conspiracy theory material as it's already been confirmed by an esteemed colleague from the right that the facts I've presented previously regarding CIA activity have been true.  The problem is the unchanging agenda.  To all appearance, the Presidents are rubber-stamping the CIA agenda and the evidence is its inflexibility.

There isn't even a cop that 'the end justifies the means' as it didn't.  Salvador Allende was assassinated in Chile and the government that followed was a right-wing nightmare for the country.  Che Guevara was assassinated for going to Bolivia to fight against a different right-wing nightmare of a government.  Neither of these operations came to any positive end but somehow the CIA assessment managed to twist that into a basis for continuation of the policy.

The point isn't to continuously re-try those events but rather to note the continuation of an agenda over a long period of time without any discernible change directed by the active Presidency.  The behavior of the representatives of that agency in the events quoted were illegal, unethical, unwarranted, etc, etc.

Note:  Eisenhower was actively engaged with CIA operations but how much engagement there was in subsequent administrations it not clear.

Kannafoot quoted the example of Colonel Jessup from "A Few Good Men" and he is the perfect representative of a military convinced of its own rightness.  It's a similar situation with the CIA only there's no hotshot Tom Cruise lawyer to take them to task for it.

Colonel Jessup said he makes the world a safer place by doing the dirty business people don't want to know.  As any news channel will show you, the world is not a safer place and the fantasy is the one he (i.e. the CIA) creates.

The outstanding question remains of why doesn't anyone do anything about it.  America doesn't willfully invade sovereign states as a matter of policy ... but the CIA does.  America doesn't commit murder to satisfy its own agenda ... but the CIA does.  America doesn't interfere with the political process of a sovereign state ... but the CIA does.

There are only two cards on the table.  Either the CIA is legitimate and they do represent what America has become or the CIA needs to go so America can regain the integrity of its word when it says what it is.

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