Friday, July 10, 2015

The Boundless Incompetence of the FBI

There was a time when the FBI did something useful ... but Efrem Zimbalist Jr was doing it and this was only on television.

Since then they've got the tremendous success of their reporting of 9/11 flight training activities up to John Ashcroft and have one blunder after the other ever since.

The latest was in approving a gun sale to Dylann Roof as their background check process failed.  The only surprise is that anyone believes it works as the first move on being declined on a gun purchase is to buy it from someone off the street or from a private owner somewhere else.  There are no background checks for those sales so it really doesn't make any difference what the FBI does.  Be sure to thank Washington and NRA payoffs for that.  (CNN: FBI says Dylann Roof should not have been cleared to purchase a weapon)

That's ok, tho, as the FBI will invent a record if it doesn't have a real one and they will tell you all about their successes in preventing chaos on the Fourth of July.  When pushed for detail, all they have to show is a few college punks who shot off their mouths online.  There was no actual crime anywhere and every single arrest thus far has been based on pre-crime as the so-called criminals didn't actually do anything but the FBI thought they might.

As to any credible terror alert for the Fourth of July ... well, complete hogwash (Gawker:  July 4 Terror Panic Based on Report that Said Don't Panic: Read It Here)

Based on the last few decades, there's very little evidence the FBI has any idea what anyone will do.  At the same time they're congratulating themselves for catching these terrorist wannabes, there's one of the biggest hacks yet of Federal data which resulted in the harvest of millions of Social Security numbers.  Efrem Zimbalist Jr could catch bankrobbers but the modern FBI really sucks at it.

Great job, J. Edgar and all your smoothie li'l clones.  If you're paid by performance, I've got some bad news on your bonuses this year.

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