Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Maestro Michi Renoir Synthesizes Cat's Art MusikCircus

There are lots of things I might write about Maestro Michi Renoir's live but nothing will come anywhere close to hearing him.  This is a recording of him when he played an RL show in Vienna not so long ago:  Live from Vienna Tue May 06 water world

One of the most exceptional things about this show is that it happened at all as yesterday was not one of Second Life's better days.  SL had been down for hours and Cat and I checked at intervals but it was showing no sign of life at all.

SL came up about an hour before Michi's show and there was no sign of anyone so I didn't think there was much chance of the show happening.  I had to proceed as if the show would go on as the situation would become a huge mess if people showed up at the last minute ... which is just what happened.

Michi arrived, Cat's Internet started working, and, within about five or ten minutes, it became very clear the show would happen.

Trebor had not been at the Circus in a while but he is a musician and he was very much enjoying the creativity of what Michi does.  It's a shame more people don't appreciate it but Michi is playing FM music in what is largely an AM world.  There was a time when you could hear Miley Cyrus coming on the radio and relief was only a button click away as you switched from AM to FM.  Not anymore.

Life is sorely in need of an FM radio switch.  FM radio was the cure for everything.  Got The Cowsills?  Click FM.  Got the Monkees?  Click.

So you can waste time looking for today's FM switch or you can come to hear Michi next Tuesday.  The link to the recording up at the top is the only known capture of Michi's live show.  He never records in Second Life and that's a shame as I know for sure where he would get at least one sale.  During the early part of the show, Cat, Trebor and I were the only ones there.  I said, "We are the only three who will ever hear this gorgeous music.  In a way that's sad but it's also beautiful."

More people came and the show did go on.  Great job, Maestro Michi.

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