Monday, May 19, 2014

Busted for What You Don't Say

There is no bust but there is the risk of hurt feelings in what I don't say.  I have talked with Cat about the problem of writing a review of one performer but not another and there is no good answer.  It's important to me to encourage but it's even more important not to discourage.  Enough musical beatdowns have come my way that I don't want to do that to anyone else.

There are problems in a virtual environment that you won't have with real.  For the really huge acts, you will hardly ever see them.  Maybe you can hear the act once or twice in a year in a real show.  In virtual, you can catch an act once or twice in a day.

In reviewing shows I'm seeing multiple times, the ones that change the most will inevitably get the most attention because change is inherently interesting.  Maybe it's good or bad but it will get your attention.

Comparisons between performers make no sense.  For example, Voodoo is the best guitarist ... but his style would not suit what lefty does ... and neither of them can sing like Sonya ... and so on.  There is no point in these kinds of comparisons but there's an implicit comparison when there's a review of one and not another.

For the moment, it's best if I don't write anything.