Saturday, May 10, 2014

Social Anomie in the Brave New World

Apart from it not being particularly brave and there's nothing particularly new, at least one can still be alienated by the world.  I can't as I haven't for a long time considered myself to belong to it anyway and have been handed ample evidence along the way that I'm not.

However, you all are tremendously alienated.  You believe, at least to some extent, in the system but you see the evidence piled up everywhere that it doesn't work.  Cognitive dissonance sets in and the next thought becomes one of finding a scapegoat.  If you can't fix a problem, you can at least get some fun out of beating up some Mexicans.

As you see with the coverage of the story of the kidnapped girls, CNN is already dropping it off the headlines and pretty soon people will forget about it.  You can get pissed off with me for predicting that if you like but that's not likely to solve anything.  War Child is real and Cat has been working with them for years.  Neither she nor War Child are going to stop after the headlines go away.

Someone ran a graphic a little while ago that showed Jeff Foxworthy his experience with God trumps that of anyone else.  I don't know what this is supposed to mean.  Maybe he asks God to help him write jokes about a hundred and one things to do with rednecks.  He also said something about singing but I hope he doesn't.

Education was mentioned along with how Denmark not only pays for the college educations for its kids, it also gives them the equivalent of a $900 US stipend while they are in school.  When asked how they did this I replied that Denmark doesn't have a military that costs more than the next fifteen countries combined.  The response was, "Oh, taxes."

Apparently that dismisses everything.  I don't hear anyone calling for a radical review of where the Pentagon sends the unbelievable amount of money given to it.  They say they will be ready for an audit in 2017 but there are predictions already they will not be ready for it.  Even given three years to prepare, they cannot clean their books ... but the problem, obviously, is illegal immigration.

Many conservatives are encouraging the idea that the financial system will collapse and some of these estimations come from people who well understand such things (i.e. as opposed to CNN pundits).  It seems to me there is a purpose in saying the system will collapse as it discourages anyone else and they give up.  Don't try as you will only fail.  Even if your piffling change is accepted it still won't matter as the whole system will collapse anyway.  That kind of defeatism serves their purpose as they get people more scared and continue shifting the country more to the right.

The politics of tax-cutting works well as dropping the rate of the tax on the rich has a time bomb effect.  It takes a while for the country's borrowing to outstrip whatever surplus existed at the time of the cut and it's only after that when things will start going down the toilet.  Usually the President who did it is long gone by then.  Harding did it ... and the market crashed in 1929.  Roosevelt brought the rate back up again ... and America enjoyed the greatest period of prosperity in its history.  Then Reagan did it ... and the S&Ls crashed.  Then Bush did it ... and everything else crashed.  As we've seen, Obama hasn't had the backbone to do anything about it and the decline continues.

They say, yah, yah, the Dow Jones is way up from how it was under Bush.  But, so what, that was inevitable after how far down Bush had run the country.  The people most afraid of tax cuts are the ones who have worked hard and saved up a million or two in 401K, IRA, or whatever.  They're terrified the state will come to tax that money and conceivably it might but it's not what I mean.  The people who are most afraid are the ones who serve only as a meat shield for the ones who have really raped the financial world and the rapists are the ones who need the attention.

America at one time led the world but now it struggles to keep up.  If anyone is looking for applause, don't come to me.

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