Thursday, May 29, 2014

To Play or to Write

Astute observers will have noticed the decision has already been made as this appears to be written but whether this situation changes is the question.

There are good reasons to write more reports on shows this week at the MusikCircus as there has been some exceptional stuff and, in the context of the MusikCircus, 'exceptional' means quality.  Elsewhere it means something else but the MusikCircus has its own standards.

However, I'm also going to play tonight and the Death March Digression is not on paper, it's not recorded, it's lights in the sky that fly around in orbit and you can play with them like electron shells to bring an electron down or push it back up.

That was way too strange even for me.  We can back up and explain electron shells or we can abandon that image altogether.

Based on that pitiful piece of evidence, it is now clear to me that playing would be a better idea than writing.

I don't know if I should start it with a bass.  This isn't indecision but rather it's another option and it's more like choosing candy than getting weak knees.  The Death March Digression is about twenty-four bars so this is a very slow-building thing.  If you approach this that the only cool part is when you've got a bunch of layers built then you have already lost as it has to be cool all along the way or there is no groove.  So is it cool to open it with a bass.  I still don't know so I'm thinking it's time to find out.

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