Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God Bless this Food and our Ammunition

So I asked the kid in the Stop'n'Rob gas station if anyone coming inside could be carrying a gun.  He told me, sure, so long as they have a license then it's ok.

I asked him if that meant someone in McDonald's could have a gun and he told me that could be true, it is legal.

The kid did not seem at all bothered by this even though he works in the kind of store that is frequently a target for armed robbers.

If that's the kind of world you want, move to Texas.  At any tick of the clock, any moment, some fucking maniac can jump out of his chair in the ice cream store, screaming, "Praise Jesus," and start firing.

And you wonder why I do not feel connected to the world.  Of course I'm not.  It's heavily-armed, angry, and frequently shoots people for no particular reason, all the while shouting and chanting, "God bless the NRA!"

Of course the NRA is not responsible for what happened at UCSB.  The NRA has never been responsible for anything.

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