Sunday, May 18, 2014

Conflict Palm Oil

There isn't really any such thing as 'conflict palm oil' ... unless you're an orangutan and then the war is against you.  The problem is the clearing of climax forest / jungle to convert the area to palm plantations.  This destroys the habitat for the orangutan and their numbers continue to decline.  (Wiki:  Palm Oil)

The premise to protests is that one should stop drinking Pepsi because presumably there's some minuscule trace of a palm oil product in it.  That's a novel sentiment but it won't do anything about the problem.

When people in third world countries cannot make a living and cannot feed their babies, they are going to do everything they possibly can to fix that problem.  If that means clearing all the forests and killing all the orangutans, they're going to do it.  The Reaganoid stupidity of 'just say no' only made that problem worse and so it will focusing on eliminating Pepsi or any other product.  The consequence of it is that people would tear down even more forest as they chase a shrinking return.

You can save the orangutans but you will have to pay more for palm oil.  But you won't ... low-age workers burn in the garment factories in Bangladesh but it doesn't stop anyone from shopping at Wal-Mart.

Some may say there is conscience but the Nigerian girls weren't found and were forgotten in four days flat ... just as I predicted.