Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's Bloody 'ot in Texas

The bad cold days are gone and now the steamy hot days are here.  The balmy lovey Spring days were notably absent.  Crocus is too sissy for Texas anyway.

A bath seemed a good solution to 32C and I started drawing one.

Yevette asked if she could put some natural ingredients into the water.  One she suggested was Epsom Salt.  I don't know what it does but it sounds like something that has to do with not having enough fiber in one's diet.  I declined but she was determined as she said it was good to protect against fire ants and the NSA reading your brainwaves while you sleep.  Of course then I agreed as I hate it when the NSA reads my brainwaves.

It takes a while to fill the tub and when I came back I could smell it before I even got to the room.  I could pick out lime and peppermint which don't make together an entirely bad smell ... but there were other smells of a more arcane nature and purpose.  I asked her if there was anything radioactive in the water and she assured me there was not.

Yevette withdrew and then I got myself ready for a nice bath ... when I noticed a slick feeling on my hands and thought, hmmm, this is unusual.  Then I realized I was slick all over and I called out to Yevette, "What the fuck did you put in this water, my friend?"

She told me she had used a natural bath oil.  I advised her this was not a healthful bath oil but rather a BP oil spill and I was going to get the hell out of it.  She said, no, no, no, don't waste it.  In my view it was already wasted and I just wanted to get it off.

Yevette said she might have used too much.  I quickly agreed and said if she had used any more of it then there would be dead otters and sea birds in there.

Some of you are concerned about ending experimentation on animals and that's very good but my first priority is ending experimentation on humans, specifically me.

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