Friday, February 10, 2017

High Speed Motorcycle Chase in Finland

No-one gets dead behind this; only sissyboys post crash videos.

Lotho, you're the best rider in the crew or at least the one with the fewest broken bones so this video is for your review.  I think you will agree both are highly-competent riders.  It's not clear at the end but it seems the bad guy is just about to get caught after a twenty-minute chase at extremely high speeds.

Since no exchange can be real-time, here's the Rockhouse perception in advance.  There's no telling from this what the bad guy did but he definitely doesn't want to get caught and he has high riding skills he can employ to prevent it.  The cop has high riding skills as well but he kept up the pursuit despite exceptionally dangerous circumstances with civilians so, in my view, he was worse than the bad guy who likely would have backed off relatively quickly if not for the chase.

Don't read a generic slam of cops as there is no purpose to this article beyond showing good riders behaving badly as in both of them.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a medium speed chase. The lead rider doesnt utilize his been offense that being direction change. I always went with mulitiple street changes as in 3 rights and a left each if one block duration only takes one ar two of those series to be riding by yourself again.
I also dont know if that was a olice officer in 20 minutes one would assume at least one other officer would join in for support.
The best utube of crazy street riding I believe Laughing Geckosent you. That russian biker was over the top crazy and a awesome rider

Unknown said...

You're right about fake cops as that siren could have been a hoax.

I'm getting kind of negative on hammering street riding as I hear some insane riding right close to here and the thinking is always the same of please don't drop it, at least not while I can hear it.