Friday, February 10, 2017

Dancing on a Volcano with Donald Trump

An article about The Permian Extinction yesterday didn't draw much interest and it's unfortunate since there are two primary points to it.  The first is Mother Earth can snuff every man jack among us without even breaking a sweat.  The second is it's not all that difficult to set it off.  (Ithaka:  The Permian Extinction and the Relation to Modern Times)

Maybe there's some thinking that we're God's Chosen Ones so Mother Earth will spare us but the dinos probably thought too and Mother Earth smoked them at least twice.  Yevette was interested in the extinction event in terms of 'the one that killed the dinosaurs' but the one best-known is only the most recent and wasn't the most destructive.

After the Permian Extinction, there was nothing left living on land that was bigger than a ground squirrel and that event took place two hundred and fifty million years ago to wipe out the first wave of dinosaurs.  The extinction event from the meteorite impact near Yucatan in Mexico was much later and that wiped out the dinosaurs again after they had evolved from the reptile rats which were left the first event became T. rex ... but he got smoked too.

Note:  there may have been others as my knowledge of the entire history is not exhaustive.

There's a critical need to understand one fundamental to the Permian Extinction event since it was cataclysmic by any scale you want to measure but the average global temperature only changed by about ten degrees.  The huge deposits of methyl hydrate at the bottom of the ocean are easily destabilized by temperature change and that small change back then was enough to set it off resulting in enormous releases of methane.

Gaseous methane is highly unstable since it only takes a spark to blow it up.  Mother Earth will survive but we won't.

That's precisely the consequence of global warming and the specific reason for the reference to Donald Trump since he has already started issuing some edicts regarding backing off on any type of climate measure / control.

The way Trump comes immediately home to the regulars is with one of the favorite mantras of fiscal conservatism in which you don't buy it if you don't have the money to pay for it.  With a national debt of twenty trillion and climbing, Trump is now dancing on another volcano since he's playing the standard vote-buying suck of tax cuts.

Likely you have heard him touting a victory with Lockheed Martin for 'slashing' the cost of the F-35 jet fighter.  That slash was actually a puny eight percent.  In translation, that money will keep going down the toilet for the life of the project which may even run fifty years; it's at least twenty.  The national debt will keep right on up, presumably heading for thirty trillion now but give a look to holds the notes and you will find the banks and insurance companies have a huge chunk of it.  They get interest payments forever because Uncle Sugar never pays it off.

The stock market reacted immediately to the idea of tax cuts and, what a surprise, it went up, thus demonstrating the fact the value on the stock market isn't real and it's financial impressionism more than anything else.  That impressionism hasn't had a five-year plan during its entire existence.

Do you hear of anyone going after short-term capital gains with taxation to curb speculation?

Right.  Me either.  It's just a damn pinball machine for the rich.

If that's not enough volcanic dancing for you, US troops were parading through Latvia today.  Yesterday they were doing it in Estonia.  Both of these countries are directly on the Russian border so any previous pitch from that whiffling slughead about doing business with Russia rather than provocation are made immediate lies.

Put yourself in Moscow and remember Hitler rolling tanks across the steppes.  What will you do when America does the same thing but masks itself as NATO as a beard.

If the answer isn't every damn thing you possibly can to freeze them in the Russian winter,  you're fooling yourself.  They will never yield and they never have.

The buildup is based entirely on a hoax since Russia never invaded Ukraine in the first place.  If that had ever happened, you wouldn't need satellite validation since their tanks would be all over the streets.  We have seen it before.

There are three volcanoes for your dancing pleasure and there's another one in that vacuous buffoon, Betty DeVos, the two-hundred-million-dollar Education Secretary.  States rights are all very well on paper but everything runs on a bell curve; some states will handle it well and others will suck.  If you're a kid in one of the voodoo states, you're probably screwed.  Tennessee, as related by Lotho, is making an exceptional effort toward education and the general thinking, I guess, is other states will adopt that when they see success.

There's your fourth volcano.  Do you seriously believe they really will?


Anonymous said...

When did you become a fiscal conservative. You have always preached the debt is manageable.
And 8% is a beginning, lets see his follow up. I see alot of posturing and and small beginnings.
His lastest move to deport a mother of 2 that has been living her since she was 14 is ludicrous. That is sure to piss off most of his borderline backers.
But he has cut more from the F35 than Sanders.
So I guess we will have to wait and see if the world survives him. He has already backed dowm on trying for a two china policy.
The wall is a joke as Penn and Teller have shown in their show.
2 hispanics circumvent the design in 5 minutes. So the gaps are the problem just the idea

Unknown said...

Like hell I did (larfs). I've been bitching about the interest on the national debt and who holds the paper for just about forever.

I don't hear him cutting much of anything and he sure hasn't stopped the Pentagon buying spree or even done much toward it. I'm pissed because he said he would approach Russia one way but he's pushing troops out to Russia's borders just the same as Obama.