Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Setting Off 300 Fireworks at Once

When we want to break away from the science, an explosion is good and three hundred explosions are even better.

Colin Furza has gone past Dudeness to Certifiable Lunatic but we like that.  We like this guy because he does whacked out things but tries not to get whacked by them and that's a huge contrast with the loon who lets bugs sting him even though he knows it will be incredibly painful.


Anonymous said...

Now that is something were challenging.
The at once will take some practice
My last try involved Este rocket fuses and using a battery power control panel. Much more effective than timing a powder fuse as they are vastly different in burn rates
I guess if I start soon I could aim for NYE. Or I am just an old fart dreamimng

Unknown said...

It's one spectacular dream! Got to hand it to the kid as he sure made one big big bang with a whole lotta lights. Most impressive!

Possibly also a dream and you will probably be busted for terrorism if you do it but I can think of one chap who would likely be pleased as punch at the idea of such a demonstration in April.