Monday, November 7, 2016

Medical Marijuana and Children ... Let's Flip Out Some Hippies

If you're wanting to get hippies into conniption fits, this one ought to do it since Mother has a three-year-old who has some kind of psychological problem and the kid has been on prescribed medication for it but seemingly in some intermittent way.  Things went wrong during the night and the kid was having seizures so Mother gave the kid some kind of 'marijuana butter' which apparently did work.

However, she was busted for doing that and she has now lost custody of her children.  (RT:  Idaho mother charged for using marijuana butter to treat daughter's seizures)

Note:  I'm deliberating skipping any query as to why a kid so young is being prescribed such heavy drugs.

As to Mother ... well ...

We do believe there is therapeutic effect in marijuana and we're not going to pitch that woo here since you have heard it a million times already.

But ...

Mother gave it to a kid.  You never, ever dose a kid with any drug.

But ...

it seems it worked.

What's a hippie to do?

I wasn't a hippie so much as a freak.  We didn't Kumbaya too much but we were hell on the drugs and the rock concerts.

A freak has the same quandary since I sympathize with Mother in seeing the Last Resort for a sick three-year-old.  I also have the Sacred Doper Law, thou shalt never dose children.

But ... it worked.

I could run around in circles with this all day and I'm so damn glad I never had to make such a decision on something of this nature in my life.

Maybe you have an answer on What's the Right Thing but I sure don't.

Note: freak isn't synonymous with deluded and I'm well aware Mother could have killed the kid.  She got the good result but it was still dumb luck.  Drugs don't work the same for children, etc, etc.  Reefer never killed anyone but that's only true for adults.

Nope, no good answer.


Anonymous said...

Send them both to Jamaica.
She cant win but the kid loses either way

Unknown said...

Dunno that Jamaica wants anyone dosing chill'uns either.

The kid did win, tho (she says). She tried it and kid's seizures stopped. No question she shouldn't have done it ... but it worked. That's plenty for brain spins with me.

Anonymous said...

But he has no mom

Unknown said...

I kind of want to find a fault so I can point and go, yeah, fix that. For this situation, it seems everything fails.

- no good medical research for guidance so she knows what to do
- irresponsible parenting
- overreacting drug police units

I call her irresponsible because she didn't call 911. Maybe there's a reason. Unknown.