Friday, November 18, 2016

Jon Stewart Continues the Pundit Failure Regarding Hillary Clinton

Jon Stewart and others fail to accept that Americans are intelligent enough to recognize Hillary Clinton's appalling plans and reject them.

We have heard repeatedly how they question what artifice could possibly have put Donald Trump into the Presidency but it's exactly the same one as elected every other President and the primary difference this time was the scalding inadequacy of the coverage from all of the news networks except Russia Today which had no financial investment in the candidates.

Even now, Megyn Kelly still doesn't understand the election wasn't about her and would someone, for Christ's sake, get her a cooking show or some damn thing so she stops whining about being a victim.  She's got a job in which she doesn't have to do much of anything except ensure her hair is combed, she gets millions of dollars for doing it, and she bitches incessantly.  She has even managed the astounding feat of making Bill O'Reilly look reasonable.

Note:  it didn't last long with O'Reilly.

CNN's token Lesbian, Rachel Maddow, still manages to be as smug in defeat as she was predicting the victory for Clinton so maybe she could team up with Kelly on the cooking show where no-one has to pay attention to either of them again.

It's stunning how brazen they can be in their extraordinary failure in just about every aspect of the election coverage.  Zucky is denying up and down how Facebook distorts the news whereas in fact it distorts the news feed heavily.  An enterprising sociologist could probably pull a degree out of analysis of whether Facebook alone is what cost Clinton the election.  I found it so alienating I have hardly used Facebook since.

The so-called news networks were distorting the polls for their own amusement and with CNN most blatantly trying to tilt everything to show clear evidence Clinton will win.  After her humiliating failure, every damn one of them lined up to explain what happened ... as if a single one had the first clue.  Anderson Cooper, amazingly, became even more annoying in his cloying, foppish way.  When the revolution starts, leave him behind; he's just dead weight with well-trimmed hair.

The unanimous theme has been Americans are too stupid to think for ourselves and reject Clinton because of obvious failures in her position.  No, no, it couldn't have been that; it must have been a trick.

- Globalization is a Reagan hoax and we have seen nothing but shallow derivatives of that up to the present day with Obama and, they hoped, Clinton.  The result of globalization has been the riches of Midas for those on the top while those on the bottom have insufficient food or medical care.

- Neoliberalism is a total failure, primarily because there's hardly anything which is liberal about it.

- Provocation of Russia has no end goal except a nuke war and further increases in military expense so, what do you know, there's now another long-range nuke bomber, the B-21, coming to add billions and billions to the national debt.  All of that came on Democrat Obama's watch with Clinton showing every sign she would continue it.

There's no need to list all the points because the pundits give us no credit for analyzing any of them.  Oh, it must have been a mistake; America got gulled; America got cheated.

There was no mistake and no-one was cheated.

Sure as hell, Clinton was back last night as you can't keep those Clintons separated from the money trough for long ... but they love you and care about you ... really.

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