Thursday, November 3, 2016

IS-IS Finally Starts Making Moves We Like

IS-IS now calls out to the Faithful or at least anyone with an AK-47 to attack Saudi Arabia and this comes from the holiest of all holy IS-IS holy guys, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  (RT:  ISIS leader threatens attacks in Turkey & Saudi Arabia; confident Mosul will not fall)

This is perfect and could give us the best of all possible Middle East shitstorms.  It almost worked out a week or so ago when Yemeni rebels were accused of shooting a rocket at Mecca but the Saudis shot it down and thwarted them.  Maybe this guy, Ali Baba Doggy al-Daddy, will do it instead since he's blown up practically everything else.

The situation would be ideal since blowing up Mecca means we have got one blazing case of megalomania going in Ali Baba Doggy al-Daddy and he thinks he can usurp Muhammad's position as the Prophet.   Won't the kids have fun with that thinking, huh?

There will be Muslims coming to war with him even if they have to swim to the mainland from Indonesia or the Philippines.

This could be so funny since then it's in Israel's best interests to support IS-IS because Saudi Arabia has been an active supporter of Hamas so weakening the Saudis carries an inherent benefit for the security of Israel's borders.

America is bound like conjoined twins with Saudi Arabia and they're not joined at the heads but the backsides.  That relationship creates the circumstance in which America would be in conflict with Israel because of their support for IS-IS and their attacks on Saudis.

It would be so gloriously chaotic and pointless.

Um, just a moment for a brief intermission in your little war, if you please.

Does anyone have any fucking idea whatsoever why you are doing any of this?


Thanks but no surprises in that one.

Meanwhile, IS-IS may go ahead to attack Turkey but practically everyone wants Erdogan to drown in camel shit so probably no-one will do anything about the bombing.  From that day forward, Armenians will celebrate that day as the Time of Retribution and they will spend it smiling a lot and giving different kinds of baklava to one another.

Britain will hang about somewhere trying to get people to believe their troops matter but mostly the Brit presence is out in the Med crashing their submarines into things.

At the same time in Hungary, a Muslim refugee is accused untruthfully of raping a Hungarian woman and a vigilante group finds him then lynches him.  The story of his fate and his vindication after the fact spreads all over Europe and triggers a backlash in all the refugee communities across Europe.  That could result in almost unlimited social chaos.

Now that the Cubs have won the World Series, anything whatsoever can happen and we want something exciting to watch on TV after that, definitely not that penny ante excuse for a war they're running now.  Obama only goes for chaos in one or two countries at a time but we want to see it across the entire sub-continent.  Now you're going prime time.  We're sure you can do it so let's reduce the world to a state of complete anarchy and how perfect that the state causes it to happen.

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