Thursday, November 3, 2016

When English Doesn't Matter Much

"Age related macular degeneration is a prominent cause of blindness in developed countries."

- verbatim from WIKI Dicer

My ol' Mother was afflicted with macular degeneration but her interest was in how she got it rather than how countries get it.

Jeans that old would probably be mostly holes anyway.

Close galactic encounter leaves 'nearly naked' supermassive black hole - Science Daily

It's not porno, it only sounds like it.

There are so much speeches from Trump and Clinton but all we got was galimatias.

Note:  that sounds like a digestive disorder and such a disagreeable accompaniment may have come as well but it's not what the word means.

The links have been left live so you can verify I didn't change a word.  English really doesn't matter anymore.

Cat's primary language is German but she expresses herself in English in a more picturesque way than many who speak English as a primary.  The relationship has been a fascination for years and I don't believe I have ever heard her use a word like 'awesome' because she has, you know, an imagination.

As I walked past Yevette's computer, I saw a Facebook logo and started laughing.  Someone had directed to a link with information about Clinton's diseases and she didn't want to miss that update.  To my laughing, she started rattling off diseases and I replied, "Ela, Ela!  I'm not a doctor, I'm a fuckin' customer."

Now that's English ... except for the Greek part.

Note:  'ela' is a Greek word which works better than the English since we would say instead 'come on'  when we're disbelieving of something but we would accompany that with rolling our eyes or some other sign of smugness.  Greeks say 'ela, ela' and always more than once while often waving one palm in the air for emphasis.  I like their way so much better.

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