Thursday, November 3, 2016

They Get Nervous About the Election Now, Don't They

The Chicago Cubs played with confidence and won but the electorate plays out of fear and they're terrified they're going to lose.

The Clintonistas thought they had it in the bag with Queen of the Hilljacks but that was before she started sinking into one slime pit after the other and now they're scared she can't win and the part which makes this funny is they're not at all scared of the reasons she is in the various slime pits.

The Trumponauts seem to feel kind of feisty since they can see Clinton on the ropes and her drone legions are rolling about on the floor, weeping at the news of Adele's struggles with post-partum depression and how she will use that as an excuse to turn to fat.

Feminism is shot for, oh, a century or so since it will take several generations before people figure out if feminism is real then it makes no fucking difference if you elect a woman.

The Gary Johnson supporters are probably hanging about looking brave and likely they will give each other manly pats on the back at the end as they tell each other, "Next season, mates."

Tip:  there is no next season for Gary Johnson.

The Jill Stein supporters are mostly pissed-off and advising people that no-one in the country really gives a fuck about anything.  Of course, no-one listens because (drum roll) no-one gives a fuck.

Of course, the picture doesn't matter because ... no-one gives a fuck.

Am I not taking this seriously enough??

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