Thursday, November 17, 2016

Georges Clemenceau and Jean-Paul Marat, New Heroes of the Violent Left

Jean-Paul Marat advocated strongly for more violence from the cadre of rebels in the French Revolution as chopping off heads is the only thing we understand.  The rich don't ever understand because (sob) they no longer have heads.  As we have seen it's impossible to teach the rich anything since they're greedy amoral vultures from birth but what we can learn is if we get pissed off enough we can chop off their fucking heads and that's good knowledge to have.

Thank you, Jean-Paul, for this excellent lesson and for this we make him our man on the ground, the quarterback for the head cutting when first we burn the Clinton McMansion and then we get Trump's head on a gold-plated pike.

Ed:  you want to bring back the Guillotine?

Just one?  I want at least two hundred since we have fifty states and a whole shitload of richies plus their political stooges we need to kill.

What do you think, Jean-Paul.  Kill of them?

Marat:  oui.  Tue les tous.  (Yes.  Kill them all.)

See, the quarterback says kill them.  Chop off their fucking heads.

Georges Clemenceau comes into this because he was President of France during WWI and for a few years into the post-war.  Germany had taken Alsace-Lorraine during (I think) the Franco-Prussian War and Clemenceau wanted it back.

Clemenceau first served as Prime Minister from 1906 to 1909, and then again from 1917 to 1920. In favour of a total victory over the German Empire, he militated for the restitution of Alsace-Lorraine to France. He was one of the principal architects of the Treaty of Versailles at the France Peace Conference of 1919. Nicknamed "Père la Victoire" (Father Victory) or "Le Tigre" (The Tiger), he took a harsh position against defeated Germany, though not quite as much as the President Raymond Poincaré, and won agreement on Germany's payment of large sums for reparations.

- WIKI:  Georges Clemenceau

As you see, he got it back and the territory remains part of France to this day.

For the young ones, this is back in the time when wars had a start and an end, unlike the Bush wars which don't ever stop and don't ever do anything.

General:  we killed another high-ranking ISIS commander!

Clemenceau:  yeah, yeah. Throw him in the pile.  Take a medal.  Get the fuck out.

These were times when people weren't gulled by bullshit political speeches but Clemenceau could still throw out some pithy stuff.

His poor marksmanship must be taken into account.  We have just won the most terrible war in history, yet here is a Frenchman who misses his target 6 out of 7 times at point-blank range.  Of course, this fellow must be punished for the careless use of a dangerous weapon and for poor marksmanship.  I suggest that he be locked up for eight years, with intensive training in a shooting gallery.

- Clemenceau regarding the fellow who shot him

How's that for bad ass.

Ed:  what are you taking back?

America, my man.  America.

We need Marat to make sure we chop the heads off all the parasites and we need Clemenceau to ensure we recover all that was taken by them.

Some L.A. cracker was saying he wants to assassinate Trump but that's so small change and what good would it do when they will just replace him with another one.  Listen to Marat as he was right the last time.

Ed:  nuke them from orbit because it's the only way to be sure?

- "Aliens"

Now you're getting with the revolutionary program.

Gandhi:  your ideas appall me!

You will need to roll with it on this one, bud.  You underestimate the danger of these heathens since Clinton came up with the term alt-right and it refers to the KKK, American NAZIs, etc.  That term is exceedingly dangerous because she changed them from being murdering, church-bombing, racist savages to alt-right, they're just a little different you know.

George Carlin did an extended bit on the dangers of euphemisms and Clinton didn't listen or didn't care.  Off with her fucking head when she doesn't even use it.

Meanwhile, we get patronizing crap about globalization from Barack "Rubber Spine" Obama and that's just parroting the Reaganoid crap Bill Clinton set in motion in the nineties and, by his own words, deliberately.  Bill Clinton definitely set the neolibs in motion and we have seen nothing but mindless parrots and violence ever since.

Ed:  except Bernie!

Roger that.  He gets to keep his head.

We do have one tiny question for Barry, the populist's buddy, and we ask, "Just when the fuck is globalization going to do anything for people in America who don't get enough to eat because it didn't do it yet and it's been thirty fucking years of this now."

We did have just that one tiny question ... before we chop his fucking rich bitch head off too.

Ed:  what about his wife?

She seems nice so let her eat cake.

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