Friday, November 4, 2016

Articles Now Come With a Free Puppy

These articles were judged (sob) plague-ridden today so, herewith, the gratuitously fatuous sociopsychological commentary.

Review of Science Matters Politicians Don't Discuss - From Scientific American

There was no review of who supports what but whether any particular item of the thirteen on the list means all that much at the Rockhouse.  Possibly people saw 'politician' in the title and thought, no fuckin' way I'm reading that.  It's not political, tho.

How To Be Twee About Tweeting

Along the line of taking tiny information and extending it enormous ways.  It's disturbing insofar as social network studies have a strong ability to marginalize everything which is not mainstream.

Some More Bad Science in a GMO Potato Patch This Time

The title may have been misleading since the bad science is coming from the opposition to GMO insofar as they use more words than science.

Making McCarthyism So Insufferable You Won't Read It

Definitely snarky about the egregious increase in seventy-year-old Commie bashing by bright-eyed puffballs who have no idea what they're spewing and not the faintest clue of its history.

How You Really Live Longer ... Stylin' With Pimp My Ride, Detroit Style

This one is just plain pretty with some people showing Detroit joie de vivre.  The photographs are excellent.  Lookin' good and feelin' good ... but y'all blew right on by and ain't that a shame.

There's No Science Like Bad Science - Live Longer with Facebook

The title seems a gratuitous slam but the science is specific that way and the interpretation can easily be that you will live longer by using Facebook ... which we're sure has as much truth as eating the penis of an ape will make you a lover with powerful primal abilities.

Ed:  there wasn't much sociology!

I'm not much of a sociologist (sob).  This is really just a pitch that maybe they're worth a look.

Ed:  where's my puppy?

How about a nice turtle?  They don't eat much.

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