Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Making McCarthyism So Insufferable You Won't Read It

This evening we have an offering from John Schindler | @20committee which gives us such excruciating verbosity on the matter of McCarthyism that we don't want to hear about it anymore.  (Observer:  McCarthyism 2.0 Has Infected the Democrats)

Sample:  That’s a far cry from saying the GOP nominee and his retinue—much less the Republican party—have a hand in Putin’s clandestine games. Such allegations are serious, indeed grave, and should be treated seriously before being uttered for cynical political point-scoring.

'Such allegations are serious, indeed grave,' and ... gimme a fuckin' break.

Joe McCarthy led the Commie witch hunt in the 50's and it destroyed multiple lives and careers, among them Paul Robeson, one of America's finest singers, who was ruined by it even though he was no threat to anyone and was instead a national artistic treasure.  (WIKI:  Paul Robeson)

Today the Democrats have re-adopted all the vicious tenets of McCarthyism.  Putin and / or Russia are blamed for everything and that list of Putin's crimes will likely include invention of the Zika Virus before too much more time passes and too much more sham investigation by the FBI.

Note:  the FBI was also integral to the Commie witch hunts of the 50's so the organization is nothing if not illegally consistent and almost invariably incompetent.

Infer another thousand words or so and you've got Schindler's article but that one won't affect you any more than this one since people have become inured to such realities due to the much more present need to believe whatever they want as inculcated via social media.

Ed:  you're blaming social media for this flaming plane crash into an orphanage full of blind children and their puppies they're calling Election 2016?

Only partially since we also need the corrupt commercial news media to make the perfectly Satanic bitch's brew of complacence and hopelessness.  The hopelessness from the news media makes them believe and the complacence from the social networks means they won't do anything about it.

The evidence speaks for itself.  I rest my case.

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