Thursday, November 3, 2016

Review of Science Matters Politicians Don't Discuss - From Scientific American

We're not interested in the politics of who does what but the political contest this season has had little engagement with issues so there's little chance of conflict and hence the reason for Scientific American's article.  In their original they have presented excellent information regarding these matters but our Rockhouse interest is more toward the subjective in terms of what do they mean down here.

Scientific American:  13 Urgent Science and Health Issues the Presidential Candidates Have Not Been Talking about

Here are the S.A. bullet points


Antibiotics lose effectiveness due to improper use, over-prescription, etc, etc.  We see the problem but we're not much interested except insofar as better procedures and medicines are necessary so get on with that.  Why is there a question.


Here is another obvious need which doesn't get enough attention but it's in the same category as above in we need to get along on making it reliable.


There has been extensive Rockhouse discussion and not just unilateral regarding improving education.  No need to rehash any of that but we see this one as obvious as well.  If want an edge then give the kids one.


More in the obvious category since we can't keep them if we sell them out to special interests who want to develop the land and / or resources for their own purposes.


This one is huge and is regrettably political.  We have no need to flog that again here.


OK, now we have a problem.  We need all the King's men to consider this one since you better be damn sure you know what you're doing before you tamper with the human genome.  Here's a tip on that:  you don't.

There is all kinds of research going on in this direction and sometimes the articles get posted here.  For this range of the science, you so seriously need some type of ethics committee reviewing were it goes.  We have had a Rockhouse review of that previously since we want representation by clergy on that committee but we don't want some dullard from Oklahoma who only spews dogma.  Find some Dominicans or some such and then we can talk about just what the hell kind of dragon we're trying to put into a cage.


We are not opposed to nuclear reactors but we are strongly opposed to shitty management such as currently takes place with improper storage of spent fuel on-site at the reactor locations.  This is procedural rather than evolutionary so there's not a huge interest.  We see the problem so fix that shit.


Here's another terror round for the pols since they won't dare talk about the topic for fear of fundamentalist backlash.  Failure to address this matter, year after year, causes such unnecessary heartache and stress at the worst possible time.  We demand this right simply to defend our dignity during that difficult time.  This is not the time to discuss it but the consideration is close enough in my life to be more important than it might otherwise be.


Here's another in the Get On With It category of problems.  We know it exists therefore ...


Yet another suicide round for pols.  It's one of the worst health problems in the country and it costs zooks in medical support but don't you dare say anyone is fat.  They will take you to Facebook and put a spit through you to do you like a biker hog roast.  We have some theories on this one but they mostly get political in terms inculcating a state of fear in people, etc.


One more in the Deal With It category.  The water is rising and you will get wet.  We see only evolution in action and drown if you want but maybe it would be better if you move so you don't.


Here we want to see a lot less hysteria and a lot more action.  We're fed-up with being told of the salvation of the aesthetic horrors in wind turbines along with the bird-killing nightmares they represent.  Solar power does its share of bird-killing with some types of collectors but some of the various approaches seem generally good.  So much of the information on these types of things gets poisoned by corporate interests it becomes difficult to discern that which is valid.

All in all, it's a hell of a mess and my favorite was in Montelimar, France, where I noticed some large-scale nuclear reactors but beside them were a number of wind turbines.  On that vision, I throw my hands in the air to cry out, "Just what the fuck are you comedians doing??  Is there any plan whatsoever??"

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