Thursday, August 4, 2016

Me Damn Nebulizer Blew Up

We rarely post selfies because we know we're another Average Joe and have no wish to join the other Joes who try to convince themselves they're not.  If we're to post a selfie, it needs an edge.

Imagine the situation as you're using this thing to blow medicine into yer lungs when suddenly comes a snapping sound and the only part left on me face was the mask.  Freaked me right the hell out, first from the fact it happened but mostly because I couldn't find the third piece.  The selfie is from after the fact when I finally put it back together again.

Nothing else does much but this does actually give a tiny bit of relief.

Emboldened by that I went on to save Yevette from Obama's hypocrisy and got her some movies to watch.  Just as with me, she's only looking for something interesting and, also just like me, she will discover the only interesting stuff left is in movies.

Right now Obama is celebrating his birthday by bombing Libya again as apparently he thought he accomplished something when he did it previously with Clinton.  Another possibility is he did it to run cover for Clinton on what she did to Libya.  The most likely explanation is he was just being a chicken ass in front of the Pentagon again.

They never mention any more Barack "Nobel Peace Prize" Obama has not given us a day of peace during eight years.  As I say, he's a chicken ass stooge for the Pentagon which doesn't kill people so much for pleasure as job security for paper tigers.  Much of Washington works that way.


Anonymous said...

Okay Yvette this ones for you--"The Do Over". I dont generally enjoy Adam Sandlers humour but this one is F_U_N_N_Y! I found it on one of the free movie sites one night and thought I would wake someone sleeping in the next room with my laughing...and I dont usually laugh out loud at movies. The sight gags are really funny. I think you will like it! ML

Unknown said...

Same here with Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller is suspect the same way but I will pass along the recommendation. Glad to hear you are finding such laffs out there and I watched the last part of "Overboard" again. How about that for some smushball movie watching!