Friday, August 5, 2016

Fumigation for Facebook Clintonistas is Probably Complete

Sometimes it's necessary and in that case it was mandatory as I won't now or ever suffer them in my presence again.  Things are bad and there isn't the faintest doubt Clinton will make things worse, finally looking for a medal for it.  Most likely the Clintonistas will give it to her since you can see what they do with Obama now.  If there's any question why I don't want these hypocrites around me, you just haven't been paying attention but that's true for most of America (shrug).

My updates still go through to Facebook but that problem is easily solved by those who don't like them:  drop me.  I've practically begged people to do it but nothing has any particular effect on there.

Earlier the campaign was to save Yevette and I said, "Let it go as these people and their cowardice will only make you heartsick."

The message is only partially successful since watching America destroy itself is kind of like watching a car crash.  You know you shouldn't but you look anyway ... and wish to hell you had not done it.

This takes gentleness as she really is my friend and it's arrogant to tell her to do anything but I figure it's ok to suggest maybe your life would be better if ...

Usually I don't say anything unless something she has seen is really busting her ass.  There's an endless parade of Washington functionaries trying to self-justify their jobs on CSPAN but all of them are just overpaid fops.  One man from the State Department showed he was a little more than an android when he met the press and announced, "The State Department is open and transparent."

Then he burst out laughing and couldn't stop himself.  OK, so that one isn't a zombie ... yet.

For the most part, the others are just mind weevils who only say whatever they're told to say.

I was using Facebook a lot but only as a means of killing time until Cat showed up and that usually resulted in three or four hours of wasted time every day.  About a dozen people I know are interestingly intelligent but the others are just the things you find growing in your garden which you really don't need.

(Ed:  human weeds?)

Dat's a fact, Jack.  It's one thing to be thickwitted and uninformed but it's quite another to be proud of it and advertise it.  That kind of problem can only be solved by Dow Chemical, the same way America did to Aleppo a few days ago with chlorine (i.e. by supporting the 'rebels' who did it).

Trump isn't any kind of a substitute but there are still multiple valid reasons to believe he's not as dangerous as Clinton.  It's not clear how his racism even matters when Obama's cops have been killing eleven hundred people a year.   One was actually convicted of manslaughter today but not until his second killing.  He actually said after he did it, "I just shot my second one."

Dayum, the KKK is going to love you, boy.  Thanks, Obama.

The reason for this visit is for nebulizing.  If you use this nebulizer, four times a day, soon your cares will fade away, away, away.  That's a butchered version of lefty Unplugged's song about "Men in White" and just take these pills four times a day.  It's one of his best.

We're wondering how much Vicodin and the like have influenced the election since it's become the soma of the New Age and Mother never loved her li'l helper so much.  We seriously wonder how much this election was drugged since Vicodin results in exactly the same symptoms as we see in Clintonistas.  They're dim, gullible and hopelessly fascinated with themselves.  It's impossible to tell them anything and they likely wouldn't get it anyway because their only concern is where to get more of that stuff.

Yevette won't touch that poisonous crap and, in fact, doesn't take any drug which wasn't properly prescribed.

Mostly the interest in the Internet is for Science Daily due to its presentation of peer-reviewed science, something you will never see on a social network although they have many theories about vaccines.  The Army HIV research crew is on the verge of a vaccine for Zika and it's a 'robust solution' which is ready for human trials.  Let's see how Mama Anti-Vaxx does with that one, huh (larfs).  Admittedly there's not much risk to them since eating their brains is hardly likely to be destructive.

That's verified about Army HIV research coming up with the vaccine.  I'm not endorsing the US military for anything but this was an excellent march to face a clear and present danger and that's such a rare thing to see.

Note:  that news was not reported by CNN, Fox, or BBC.  The only channel to even mention it was The Guardian.  BBC is much like American news with a bunch of statist asslickers but The Guardian, apart from some seriously tiresome neo-femmes, still has a wee bit of depth to it.

There's nothing to report from outside as it was 103F yesterday and that kind of temperature is consistent.  If I have to go out in that, even just to get groceries, I will pay severely for it.  The interest is unchanged but that temperature is impossible.  I really, really want to see the meerkats at the Zoo but that Sun just now will burn yer eyes and there can't be much protection from that in a zoo.  RayBans really do protect and I haven't gone outside without a pair in decades.  Going out into that Sun still won't work, tho, as I've always been good at protecting my eyes ... it was just everything else which didn't matter much.

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