Thursday, August 4, 2016

All the Ways the Feminists Hate Melania Trump

Melania Trump is an incredibly beautiful woman.  Now check out yer (cough) feminists.  Gloria Steinem was exceptionally beautiful as well but her mind went to shit and there's never beauty in that.  Many of the others are pasty-faced uninspired trout such as Lucia Grimes and Jessica Valenti from The Guardian.

Melania Trump is highly-intelligent.  If feminists were intelligent, it wouldn't have been so easy to delude them.

Melania Trump is filthy rich and that may bite their asses more than anything.  Now consider yer feminists and how they cover up the things Clinton did and are passive milksops relative to the transcripts from Goldman Sachs.

The ultimate killin' reason feminists hate Melania Trump is, unlike Kim Kardashian, she doesn't have an ass the size of a football field.  She actually takes care of herself.

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