Thursday, June 16, 2016

Whitest Things You Can Possibly Say

There's some consideration needed for the whitest of the white because in a politically-correct world in which whiteness is so important there are so many possibilities.  Whiteness is bland, boring, lack of any substantive content, etc.  As noted previously God has no use for white either and that's why white people are so much more vulnerable to skin cancer.  We also note God made white people last.

Note:  if you think that's a cheapshot, run the numbers, Wall Street Banker Boy with skin like a vampire.  Search incidence of skin cancer by race.  Prepare to receive immediate awareness of why you need sun block bad when you finally take that grand trip to Fiji.

A boss made the Fiji trek and this guy was whiter than white plus he was exploring new dimensions in obesity so my own thought was what the fuck will you do in Fiji other than burn up like an aboveground nuclear test.  Answer:  drink ... a lot.  How are you enjoying the big bucks so far, Walrus Man.

I landed in Fiji as a kid and that's what set off the wanderlust for life as I saw, holy shit, there's so much more than I ever knew.  We landed at night and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life, even though we never left the airport all the time the 707 was refueling.

PRETTY MUCH (i.e. as an answer to any kind of a question)

Possibly the most ineffectual reply one can make to anything since at best it indicates some kind of weak agreement but without the faintest idea of scale.  This one comes up constantly, largely as the politically correct alternative to I don't give a fuck.


One of the worst words in the language, particularly for a woman.  She wasn't beautiful ... but ... she was pretty.

Uh, thanks for nothing, Casanova.  Damning the woman with your faint praise isn't likely to seduce her any time soon.

Pretty is one of the weakest and is therefore one of the whitest words we can use for just about anything.

Q.  How did you like the Grand Canyon?
A.  Oh, it was pretty.

Well ... that settles it all, doesn't it.


Another of the worst words in the language and this qualifies for whitest of the white because it means absolutely nothing.

Q.  What did you think of "Guernika?"
A.  It was nice.

Q.  Wow, you liked it then?
A.  Pretty much.

Maybe you're getting the whiter than white concept by now.


This is another murder word for just about anything.  There wasn't a single other comment you could make about this thing but, well, it was interesting.  I still cringe at having used this word when I was an art critic for my ol' Dad's work.  I didn't realize how important it was to him and, in part, that need revealed my own artistic need to me but too late, too late.

Note:  there are few things I deeply regret but that's one of them because it was a prime opportunity to see my ol' Dad's soul, bare in the sunlight.  That's in the category of Things We Wish We Had Said but likely you know how that goes as well.  If you don't then fuckin' say it to the Old Fucker, kid.  You don't get a second chance with that.


This is your white substitute for saying God and thus invoking the Lord's name in vain or some damn thing like that.  People who do this will often say 'heck' instead of Hell and that may follow into a discussion of political correctness but they won't understand when we laugh at them.


This one is corporate whiteness and that's mostly redundant since corporations are so white anyway.  It's another expression which means nothing because this isn't an idea you're considering, it's something you might consider, maybe, conditionally ...

Fuck you.  Who else has something to say?


This is kind of pussy as well since you're not actually saying we should do something but rather you, in your existential majesty, think we should do something.  It's not posed as a question as to what your partner wants to do but rather it's an ineffectual statement of wishful thinking so it qualifies for whitest of the white ... I think.

These types of expressions are exceptionally annoyance bringing because they're so sissy and they're so weak.

Oh, you were expecting something racist??  What logic is there in defining whiteness in terms of the expressions of people of any other color.

We can offer a tangent, tho, as the dialect of English spoken by black people in America is likely the most dynamic aspect of the language.  Most of the slang develops there and whatever white people deem the best of it spreads everywhere whereas white slang hardly ever gets absorbed into the dialect preferred by black people.  That kind of linguistic evolution is a fascination to the Rockhouse.

In the context of the article, the dialect preferred by black people is specifically not whitest of the white because it's much more expressive and dynamically so because of the almost constant addition of new language, often via slang.

That white and ineffectual become synonymous shouldn't be much of a surprise after looking at Congress for a few minutes.  We're surprised those idiots can even get it together to come in out of the rain.

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