Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gun Control and Listening to Tiny Tim Songs

Tiny Tim did a version of "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" which was even more skin crawling than the horror Joan Baez always makes of "Amazing Grace."

Note: a quick flash of curiosity flew by in wondering whether "Amazing Grace" would still suck if Barbra Streisand sang it.  Her sensitivity just might make it work.  Joan Baez never convinced me of anything beyond car payments.

Just like a Tiny Tim song, the litany on banning assault weapons has gone to the top of the Billboard charts with a (cough) bullet.

Note:  going to the top of the chart with a bullet had been American slang for getting there quickly.  Americans are slow but in time they came to realize nothing comes from bullets except dead people.

Assault weapons have almost nothing to do with the generic gunner carnage in the country and those weapons mostly serve only as artificial penises, particularly for gunner women who want to look macho.  From that we conclude gunner women have no idea what macho really means.

(Ed:  neither do the gunner men!)

Good point.

The assault on assault weapons may well be just another background bit of GOP disingenuity and dirty tricks because they know it won't go anywhere and even if it does it won't affect anything.  Therefore, all they need so is set this in motion and Democrats will set their own hair afire with it.

And the Democrats do that every time.  Obama is already doing it again now but we don't think much of him as a Democrat anyway although Republicans must love his bombing record.

(Ed:  no way!  They said he wasn't violent enough!)

The last I saw was Obama may have ordered up to thirty thousand assassinated with drone bombs.  There's no possible way to know the truth of it since the military hides just about everything it does.  Regardless of the actual number, the premise from the yokels in the GOP is they will kill ISIS more or harder or, fuck it, let's glass the whole fucking region.

Gun control?  Frankly, we don't give a fuck because we've heard it before and know the outcome of it.  Have a nice day with Clinton but we will just go off to the movies so we don't have to listen to her back-pedalling if she has to do anything.  You wanted her and now you're stuck with her.  Don't look for company as it won't be there.

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