Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tell Them What They Want to Hear

Yep, tell them what they want to hear and they will follow you home every time even when what you say contradicts everything you ever did.

We have never seen a more prime example of Americans as herd beasts before we saw people swing from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton even when the things she says contradict almost everything in her history.  From a political standpoint it's a shift from somewhat to the left of Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan in one breath.  Gasp.

Making such a leap is like Evel Knievel actually making it when he jumps across the Snake River Canyon.  It's preposterous to even consider ... but they did it overnight.  Yesterday it was Sanders but today it's Clinton because, by God, I want to 'work within the system.'

In other words, you want to be a lackey of the Establishment and will do its bidding on command.

Casting Hillary Clinton with Ronald Reagan is fair due to the heavy emphasis on militarism and weapons sales, trade policies which open other countries to export of American jobs, and lack of interest in social programs.  She characterizes the Bill Clinton era Democrats who are differentiated from Republicans only by the ties they wear, if even that.

(Ed:  what about the Affordable Care Act?)

I couldn't fucking afford it and still have no insurance.  The military did great during that same period, tho.  Lotta killin', whole lotta killin'.  Great stuff for bad movies.  This was the most non-revolutionary revolution I have ever seen.

(Ed:  Clinton will extend it with the Public Health Option!)

Sure she will.  That will happen about the same time she appears on the cover of Cosmo with tips for teens on achieving great orgasms.

The absurdity of the current situation is something straight out of a Terry Gilliam movie, particularly when people who have relatively radical / reactionary thinking are suddenly pacified and roll over for Clinton.  She will protect us from ISIS ... or some damn thing.  Who knows what they use for rationale because it sure as hell wasn't her record or common sense.

The most common and egregiously simple logic is, well, she's better than Trump.  What the fuck kind of loser thinking is that.  Well, I married my wife because she wasn't a walrus.  I picked this dog because it was the only one which had all its legs.

So, sure, support Clinton because, unlike Laura Bush, at least she never killed anyone herself.

Note:  Bush killed a kid with her car when she was seventeen.  She wasn't even cited for it.

What unbelievable skanks they hire for this gig.  Mooo, moooooooo.

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