Monday, June 13, 2016

Vladimir Putin Isn't the Only One Sending Love from Russia

Tatiana Romanova (Daniela Bianchi) in "From Russia with Love" (1963)

How do you like her outfit?  Yes, that is all of it.

Best line: "Oh, James, won't you stay here and make love to me all day" (enjoyed also by MI5 since they were listening on a hidden microphone)

Or maybe you like this pic better:

The picture demonstrates the principle clearly it's much easier to get along with women when they don't wear those idiotic shoes which hurt their feet.

But the punchline, comrade, is she not Russian, nyet.  She is Italian, paisano, and her father was a colonel in the Italian army.

Yet more Bond Girl trivia is that sexy voice was (gasp) not her.  That was overdubbed in post-production because Daniela Bianchi has a heavy accent, presumably Italian.

We just see hips which would make Paris forget all about Helen of Troy, the kidnapping would never have happened, all history would have been changed.  Now you know.

One more and she looks soooo deadly in this one:

(Ed: why all this fifty-year-old cheesecake?)

Well, I'll tell you, Dagwood.  We've been seeing such frumpy eye-hurting baggage in the news, we needed something better.

And, no, we don't care what she thinks about fracking.

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