Monday, June 13, 2016

Fuck the Second Amendment

Today Yevette said she 'believes in the Second Amendment' and I asked her why but did not get much of an answer.  She's a bright woman but breaking out of the state programming isn't always easy.

I pledge allegiance ...

to nothing whatsoever ...

Nowhere else in the world requires the recital of such jingoistic crap.

The only good thing anyone can say about the Second Amendment is it hasn't resulted in the deaths of as many Americans as Hitler, at least not yet.  There will be another run on the gun stores after the mass shooting on Saturday and these shit for brains gunners will keep working on that project with another mass shooting coming in days.  They take killing as many Americans as Hitler as a personal challenge.

You have seen for yourself how most of the proponents of gun rights don't have enough common sense to handle sharp instruments in the kitchen or complicated machinery in the work place.  In short, they're dumb fuckers.

(Ed:  thanks for that blazing insight, Mister Wizard!)

So, we're agreed.  Most gunners are dumb fuckers.

Good.  So we continue.

(Ed:  Americans have a right to protection against terrorists!)

Oh, really.

There was a car we saw coming back from the VA hospital and there was a RIP sign painted on the back of it for someone who didn't get even to twenty years old.  That someone was killed by a drunk driver, an American drunk driver.

Do you want to tell the person driving that car about terrorism?  We don't recommend it unless you first validate whether that person carries a gun because you have about four and a half seconds of remaining life for telling this person such a callous and blindly stupid thing.

Do you want to tell that person about mass killings when young Texas Crouch kills four people with his car while drunk driving but doesn't spend a day in jail for it.  Yah, tell the person driving that car with the RIP sign how seriously America takes terrorism.  Or tell that person about how you only do six months in jail for rape if you're a young, mildly-cute, white fraternity boy.

When that driver puts a bullet between your eyes, we will have nothing but applause.  Fuck you and fuck the NRA.  Most of all, fuck the non-humans who profit from all the carnage.

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