Monday, June 13, 2016

Bugatti Royale Esders, Designed for Royalty

The Bugatti Royale Esders is one of the longest cars ever built and the first one rolled out of the Bugatti plant just in time for the crash in 1929 so even royalty wasn't buying.  Only six were ever built, all are different, multiple of them survive, and each has a special name.

You can tell the vehicle was designed for royalty since the height of the front end makes it impossible to see commoners before splattering them on the road.  Presumably that's why there's a bar across the radiator, to keep the commoners from getting stuck in it when they get hit.

The staff has such a deucedly difficult time cleaning them out of there, Sedgwick.

The Royale was said to be a surprisingly good drive although possibly not so good for the commoners who got splattered each time the King rolled it out of the garage.

It's also said Bugatti wouldn't sell one to the King of Albania because 'the man has dreadful table manners.'

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