Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Crushing Heartbreak of the 2048 Game

The 2048 game is an amusement on Mac desktop machines and likely Apple makes it core software for iPhones, etc.  It's mostly the child's number game with the sliding panels which must move to put the numbers in the correct order or some other type of puzzle of that nature.  For this one the purpose is to align numbers horizontally and vertically to add them.  For example, align 2's to make a 4, align 4's to make an 8, etc.

We had thought, given the 2048 name, the purpose of the game is to achieve a score of 2048 to win.  Then we get the Big Prize, the balloons fall from the ceiling and we go to Heaven to claim the seventy-two virgins.

But that did not happen.  We finally achieved 2048 but there was no Big Prize nor balloons and, worst of all, nor seventy-two virgins.  It just kept on going.

So now we're supposed to do it again.  At that moment we realized we had been fooled again even after The Who said we wouldn't.  The game has no more goal than American foreign policy which seeks only to make more of itself.


We can more easily go back to CNN to watch the idiotic foreign policy because that way saves the keystrokes of that stupid game.

We're pissed off for the same reason we hate television serials even though we now understand the attraction in Game of Thrones is just the boobies.  We had thought it was more but we should have known better.

We don't want to see something on television and know every minute the show is just setting up the way to entice me to come back next week ... to see more boobies and watch more of their commercials, most likely for IBM's WATSON which is rapidly becoming the most annoying software on the planet after Windows.  WATSON is just the pseudo-liberal manifestation of Facebook insofar as it peruses whatever you have written to come up with divine insights.  They call it Artificial Intelligence but we call it Exactly the Same Intelligence as in not much.

Computer games now go back to the status they have enjoyed on my computers for decades:  they're banned.

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