Saturday, June 4, 2016

Matching the Best Mind on the Political Stage: Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin was once deeply-involved with STASI, East Germany's secret police and couldn't have been expected to play more of a role in the future except as just one more totalitarian Soviet despot.  Instead he has emerged as the most progressive and positive political leader on the planet.

Some may disagree with that assessment but online (cough) debates are trivial and it only counts in this game if you face him on the chessboard but we don't see anyone doing that and have not seen even a near match for Putin in anyone except Merkel.

America has never achieved global adulthood in this context since that country only bluffs and intimidates, there's nothing more sophisticated in their relations than a high school kid who settles problems by causing more of them in a fist fight.

England, ever since Tony Blair, is just a sorry shadow of American foreign policy and the Empire doesn't have to announce it's dead and buried when the Tory Prime Ministers have made it painfully obvious with every move, even going so far with Cameron as to sell off the Royal Mail.

Germany has shown remarkable acceptance of its role in the Holocaust and contrast to that comes from America where there is largely denial for any responsibility in genocide committed against American Indians or England's acceptance of what it did in any of its colonies.  Of the mature nations of the world, Germany occupies a high position because of the honesty of the country about its past.

Japan has not demonstrated anything since WWII except the same imperial drives it showed back then as demonstrated in their caterwauling about some islands in the South China Sea.  Like England, Japan is another pitfart little island which grew far beyond its value and now subsides in the face of more powerful systems in the Neo-Socialism of China and Russia which not only does socialism better, they're vastly better at capitalism as well since they're sure eating the Western lunch with no trouble.

The Scandinavian countries took Socialism to the most beneficial extreme after Communism showed the world how to distort it into political hell.  The Nordic countries enjoy the highest standards of living in the world and are consequently judged to be the most mature of the adult nations.

The lack of imagination in American foreign policy was identified overseas decades ago and the dark irony is they have used America's abusive financial practices in lending against itself and observed just keep loaning them money and sooner or later they will strangle on it.  The evidence of a twenty trillion dollar debt with no hope of paying it off speaks for itself.  

Welcome to Goldman Sachs style financial management.  You laughed when you did it to Greece and now enjoy that laughter while the world does it to you.

We of the Rockhouse have no doubt Bernie Sanders is the only adult on the American political stage with the intellectual skills needed to match wits with Vladimir Putin.  Miss Bluster Baggage and the Haystack Boy offer nothing different from any of the typical brinksmanship of the sixty+ years of the Cold War.  Expectation of any different result from them isn't just fantasy, it's completely fucking stupid.

The question in the primaries isn't whether these bluster bitches can assault each other about penis sizes or whichever pol is most crooked but rather who will look like anything more than a raving lunatic in dealing with Vladimir Putin.  Given the evidence of the exchanges between the Trump and the Frump, Putin can easily see America wants to continue being a simple-minded pain in the ass and the next eight years will be just another global nuisance without any real progress.

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