Sunday, June 19, 2016

Prayer in School - Only Way to Make Public School Even Worse

The topic of prayer in school gets a surprising reaction and all the more so when public school demonstrates such manifest incompetence in just about anything else.  Much of that has to do with the blazingly racist apportionment of funds with more funds going to 'white' neighborhoods and no attempt whatsoever made to equalize access to education across the country.  America frequently talks of equality but isn't too good at practicing it.

Equal educational access is touted frequently as one of the advantages of living in America but the people doing it are either stupid or are being deliberately obtuse.  If that's not true, how many of you would be willing to send your kid to school in Flint, Michigan.

(Ed:  are you talking about the state educating children in public school or Rick Snyder poisoning them?)

It's oftentimes the same thing.

Maestro, rim shot, please.

Yesterday we saw all sorts of rationale justifying implementation of prayer in school but we didn't see anything from contributors regarding the reason for keeping it out (e.g. prevention of the state from adopting a national religion).  That salient aspect is universally ignored by those who wish to impose religion on others (i.e. the state religion).

The cynically disingenuous aspect of the discussion is when they say God means any god in the context of religious freedom in school.  That kind of self-justifying bullshit does no credit to the people who offer it and none whatsoever to the religions such people claim to serve.  The people who do it know very well the purpose and it has nothing to do with li'l Allahu al Akbar having the freedom to practice his religion in an American public school.

How about using the Silas as a case study since he was a Happy Heathen in school just as was everyone else in the family.  Just what do you think he would have done if forced to recite some prayer in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance, an incantation to the Owl's Club, and the return policy for the Home Shopping Network.  That would not have changed me any more than any of the other state-forced crap and most likely would have driven me out of public school even faster.

But perhaps that's part of the purpose.  Focus only on a passive mainstream and the rest exists on ends of the bell curve which don't represent enough numbers in terms of voting to be significant.  We see a tremendous amount of that in the current election with both primary candidates focusing on the least of us rather than the best.  Neither speaks of any high-minded goals for anything.

Looking for any endorsement of the state and its management of religion is not realistic for anyone coming off "Schindler's List" because we have ample evidence of problems which come from state and religion but there's no a good reason for doing it provided in any administration on the planet and there never has been.

There isn't any government in the world which has ever survived domination by any religious group, not one and not ever.  You can say all you like the purpose is not to impose Christianity in America but you won't say it if you expect to maintain any credibility.


Anonymous said...

There is no connection between prayer in school and a state sponsored religion. Nowhere is it stated that those prayers have to be aloud or controlled by the school.
If Congress would allow school vouchers parents could send thier children to well run private schools that either allow prayer or do not But both sides are covered. The child recieves a great education because the children attending are also being supported at home as well as at school.
Those wanting to stay at public schools can continue an education aimed at the least intelligent child

Unknown said...

The school is part of the state and my kid wouldn't be intimidated into saying a prayer anywhere else. Blackmail to permit that or pay for kids to go somewhere else is not acceptable. That this is is even an issue in a school system riddled with real bugs is only an indication of the futility of hoping for any substantive improvement in education in America. Surely it's a concern that American education has been steadily falling in international ratings and praying sure as hell won't change that.

Unknown said...

That last was one of the most callous I have ever seen. The richies are the good, smart ones and the rest are only refuse. Holy shit. Check yo'self!

Anonymous said...

Actually vouchers would allow even the poorest student to attend quality private schools. . And prayer isnt really a big part of most private schools.
Vouchers are by far the quickest way to save the most poor kids today. Or you can keep throwing money at a broken system Your choice you make the rules

Unknown said...

It's all part of the demolition of public responsibility for anything and there's little evidence that works for much. It sure doesn't work for health care and the only health care coming to me is from the public teat via VA but conservatives want to wipe that out as well. The endless locust raids on public systems have degraded the public systems while providing nothing to replace them and the result has been a steadily declining standards in the United States relative to the rest of the world.

Likely the biggest problem is the country talks about prayer in school instead of increasing robotization, ISIS instead of sociology, and just about anything instead of a real education. Texas led the country in quality education for high school students and now it does again but it takes the textbooks into a substandard toilet which would not be acceptable academic quality anywhere in the world. What religion did to education is an ongoing embarrassment based entirely on their thinking faith is just as good as science, quite possibly the weakest scientific premise of all time.

Anonymous said...

Wow maybe you should research private school test scores and the percentage of scholarships awarded based on grades or test scores instead sports or lottery scholarships.
Schools are in the toilet because most parents could not care less if thier kids are educated. Has not one iota to done with religion. It has to do with does the parent care and most dont.
It is not the publics responsibility to educate children it is the parents.
My children went to public schools and in spite of that graduated as AP honor students. Not because the schools were great in fact they belittled them because they were different. They succeed because of the parents time and the kids work.
I send my grandkid to a private school so that she can learn at her speed not at the speed of the slowest child.
Every child should have that ability today not tommorrow once the no child left behind works. OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION what a travesty.
We dont even fail a child anymore for fear of damaging thier pysche. There are no winners because then someone myst be a loser.
We lose against the world because we teach to the lowest common denominator.
And in so stiffle the very children that could compete

Anonymous said...

I think you might want to check facts.
Based on SAT scores. Texas only has 2/3 participation and and average score of less than 1000.
No even close to the leaders
Also low on the list of NMSF.
Maybe you are using state test scores which is what Tennessee does to inflate thier concept of quality education.
As with most government programs they are over funded and achieve terrible results.
I have previously covered the per child funding of private vs public and the dismal results public achieves for far higher dollars

Unknown said...

Have you heard any mention of this anywhere during this campaign and do you see any interest in anyone but special interests for doing anything. The view of most people seems to be the only way to make the current educational system even worse is to let people motivated by religion get anywhere near it. You can see that all across the country in which there are constant defensive mechanisms against pain in the ass guerrillas who never accomplish anything except undermining the system.

The subject is as dead as equal rights in America and talking about either topic only makes people point you to some other country where it actually happens.