Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jill Stein Makes an Intriguing Suggestion to Bernie Sanders #FeelTheBern

How about if Bernie Sanders joins Jill Stein with the Green Party?  (TruthDig:  Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Join the Green Party Ticket (Video))

Let's try to calm the shocked horror a bit since you come here because your cohorts are predictable and boring.  We resist everything and your friends don't resist anything ... or you would have no reason to come.

Welcome because we get bored with predictable people too.

We have waited patiently for Elizabeth Warren to take a stand but she's been a ghost, albeit quite a loud one but a ghost nevertheless.  This is a pity since she could have been a player and a major contender but now she can never be more than the Wise Spectator.

And what's the trouble with Wise Spectators?

All together now:  we're fed-up to the gills with do-nothing Wise Spectators spewing pundit palaver, political sophistry, or ten ways to make a million before you're twenty.  Give them some Gypsy wagons from the Roma people and Wise Spectators will be happily selling snake oil to Southern crackers until the sea finally reclaims those godforsaken states.

The Green Party is the other which has been so cynically and assiduously ignored by Mainstream media along with Bernie Sanders.  The cynicism was revealed with the subtlety of a Hollywood cartoon movie or the latest piece of shallow crap from George Clooney when there was so much hype for the Libertarian Party by the Mainstream when that crew has never accomplished anything, not ever.

There can be an alliance between the Green Party and the Democratic Party loyalists, the ones who do not condone drone bombing or any of the other transparent GOP viciousness adopted by Democrats in the last thirty years.  We won't push US-made weapons to the world and we won't foment wars for cynical reasons based on facile arguments which never approach the truth of why they happen (i.e. the standard GOP party line).

The GOP has seen it and they have rejected their Mainstream and Paul Ryan thinks he has tenure with them but he's ignoring the fact the only competition for speaker is from the likes of Trey Gowdy, it was definitely a race for last between second-raters.

Trump owns them because he's more politically astute than any of them and he's no more honest than any of the others but he's one hell of a lot more imaginative.

(Ed:  like that was such a hell of a feat??)

Good point, Dagwood.  Imagination hasn't been a strong suit for the GOP since Eisenhower.

Jill Stein offers an alternative to Bernie Sanders which is more ... and less than running as an Independent.  Presumably running as a stated position that you're an Independent says the candidate is not associated with any political party and that statement is significant because up to 42% of Americans have already rejected the Mainstream parties.  Aligning with the Greens may alienate existing Indies because the Green Party has a stated platform and they're not at all Establishment but they're not Indies either.

Nevertheless, Jill Stein's suggestion has merit because, unlike any deal with the DNC, this isn't simply a matter of signing a contract with Legba to sell your soul for eternity.  Stein is an extremely bright woman and considerably more so than Hillary Clinton who only banks on her husband's charm, intelligence, wit ... and utter lack of morality.   Voting for Clinton in support of feminism is one of the most ludicrous things we have heard yet from the Rather Less than Steinem crew of modern feminists.

Yes, we're intrigued by this offer and we're interested to hear more.  Not surprisingly, nothing original has come from either of the Mainstream candidates who will likely get back to talking about personal body parts before too much longer.  Here at the Rockhouse Center for Music, Resistance and Revolution, we look for rather more in a political discussion than either Trump or Clinton has any hope of offering.

Bring it on, Jill Stein, as we are listening.

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