Thursday, June 9, 2016

Freedom is Everywhere Else

When you can step across a line in the dirt separating Canada from America and never again have the worry about going bankrupt from medical expenses, we see one easy way to find freedom which is not possible in America.  The GOP is quick to tell you this isn't true but, fortunately for Canadians, Ottawa doesn't have to listen to them and neither does anyone else in the world since no-one in developed nations except Americans faces bankruptcy due to a failed medical system.

Hopefully this does not happen to you but it's fantasy thinking to believe it can't or does not happen frequently in America.

The GOP banks on the difficulty of getting to anywhere they haven't already Americanized.  Getting to Europe is difficult so many (maybe most) Americans never discover that enlightenment for themselves.  When you only hear about 'other people' from limited sources (i.e. stilted Republicans, distorted movie portrayals, etc), you may wish to review your educational process.

Definition of a Republican:  someone who tells you America is better than places the speaker has never been.

That's not true in all cases but it damn sure is in one hell of a lot of them.  What do suppose Cracker Barrel in a pickup truck with a shotgun and a Confederate flag knows of freedom elsewhere, huh?

(Ed:  he doesn't even know what it means here!)

Roger that, matey, mate.

The desperation to hype America as better than anywhere else is ludicrous when they do it before a captive audience but it's important to keep the proles from getting restless so Budweiser puts American flags on their beer cans, there are military fly-overs for events which have nothing to do with the military, and every American politician wears on American flag on the lapel of his ticky tacky suit apparently to give the impression American politicians would come from anywhere else.

Note:  see above about how Cracker Barrels in pickup trucks don't get out much ... unless you slap cheap suits on them and, as is painfully evident in politics, send them to Washington.

America is where people have forgotten what 'for the good of the tribe' means and that's the single thing which made us humans in the first place.  Otherwise, we were just another species of predators in the jungle but then we organized.  Primates had troops already and tribes are an extension of that but troops of baboons don't start growing crops and domesticating other animals.

It's a trite theme to continue far with the idea of the anomie from the city except insofar as it's due to the departure from the tribe and then we cast about everywhere trying to find or make another one.  We can find like-minded people so maybe we could hang out with a bunch of golfers but that still isn't your tribe.

We strongly believe the tribe is the freedom and when we start meeting our responsibilities to the tribe then freedom will come.  There are so many forced allegiances to false tribes we lose track of the one into which we were born and this is not simply about the importance of family but rather the importance of the family within the tribe.  When you find that you will be as close to real freedom as you may ever get.

Note:  there is nothing racial about tribes since it looks like the only Americans who know much of anything about their tribes are the Indians.  Scots, even emigrant Scots, often have an awareness of their clans / tribes and maybe other tribal groups do as well.  The tribal thinking does still exist but it's distant relative to the Siren in the City who never sings of crashing on the rocks but she knows every song for the things you think you want.

She sings so pretty, don't she, Earl.

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