Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jibber Jabbering with the Cadillac Man for Some Political Pollywoggery

There's still kind of a stand-off with the Old Guard as Cadillac Man holds a vestige of the thought anyone who sounds like a Democrat should be supported.  My position remains sounding like a Democrat is not even close to enough.

Cadillac Man was the first I've heard say Hillary Clinton is only a second-hand copy of Bill Clinton and that's been one of my biggest problems with her; she's not standing up as an emancipated woman but rather as the rich WoB (i.e. Wife of Bill).  That came up with peaches with the pseudo-femmes as they're in a trance of boob adoration just now but, we have noticed, such people are always in a state of boob adoration.

They never seem to notice their adoration is for artificial females such as Hillary Clinton, Caitlyn Jenner,  Jessica Valenti and others who have been constructed out of spare parts for comic or political effect.  It's not our purpose to assail real feminists but so far we have not listed any, only special interest zekes with no more vision than the average banker / conservative (i.e. what do I get out of it).

Cadillac Man doesn't use the logic in which you must vote for Clinton or all the puppies and angels will die and that's appreciated because that logic is becoming one of the most repugnant aspects of social networks.  Apparently a large number of those types think that way and maybe that's why they use social networks in the first place.  Think of social networks as the price we pay to keep those people interned so we don't have to read anything they write anywhere else.

The same thing is happening with Brexit in the UK and there are many who say the world will end or at least England will end as a result of it; kippers will be banned, fish and chips will only be served on plates, and the Queen will be sold to human traffickers in Morocco.  Well, no, those things won't happen but England will hasten it's slide into second-rate mediocrity as the New Beirut in which anything goes and you only need to bring enough cash to get whatever you want.

(Ed:  they did ban selling fish and chips wrapped up in newspapers!)

Yah, that's because BBC uses the newspapers for headlines their bimbos can read on the telly the next morning.  That change was also the beginning of the end of the British Empire and David Cameron sold off the Royal Mail not long afterward.

(Ed:  a few of those BBC people are men!)

They seem to be ... but they're still bimbos who read newspapers on the telly for a living.

Part of the discussion was whether Clinton or Trump is more dangerous and he's not so accepting of my view Clinton is infinitely more dangerous than Trump.  That premise largely because she has already shown her willingness to get extremely violent when other people do the killing for her.  She doesn't use much sense in this thinking and Libya is one example of that as it became yet one more chaotic Middle Eastern hellhole which won't settle down any time soon.  Great job on that one, huh?

Donald Trump says he will 'glass the Middle East' and that sounds impressive to people who drive pickup trucks and rarely wear shirts or shoes but Pentagon generals have been trained by the banks and their GOP stooges to have no more respect for the President than Goldman Sachs has for, well, any aspect of human life.  They won't do it.

When the American people get it through their impossibly thick skulls the consequence of Pentagon incompetence won't come down only on the kids in the (cough) professional military but rather it will come down on them, that's when the People will rise.  So long as it's someone else's kid who dies over there, they don't give a fuck and instead make support the troops memes on Facebook to amuse the other proles.  When they sees it's their butts which will get smoked, the flag waving will stop faster Edward Snowden's participation in the spy community.

The biggest tragedy in social networks is people think the networks make them part of something but part of what, honey bunny.  When you buy a box of Corn Flakes, it has a percentage of insect parts and that's legal.  That's also the same way thought works in a social network, it comes with about a billion insect parts for every coherent thought.

(Ed:  and all of them dream of Taylor Swift!)

Yah, ain't that a bitch.

(Ed:  did you just call Taylor Swift a bitch?)

We see no indication she's interesting enough to be a bitch.

So we appreciate Cadillac Man throwing out the do-it-or-die logic and part of that likely is because he has been hearing it since he was a child as well.  Do it or die has become so common a part of the philosophy in America it should be printed on boxes of Corn Flakes just like the advisories about insect parts.

(Ed:  shouldn't social networks be properly labeled as full of insect parts as well?)

Definitely as those are the Biblical insects which only have four legs (i.e. in Leviticus).  They're probably GMOs as well.

(Ed:  the people on social networks are made from GMOs?)

How else do you explain it.  Genetically-Modified Organisms started about twenty years ago and so did social networks.  How could it not be more obvious.

(Ed:  Alex Jones said social networks are caused by fracking!)

Explain what caused Alex Jones and the like and ninety percent of the problem will be solved.  Twitter will disintegrate because of the lack of material and Facebook will have nothing left but cat videos.  Oh, noooooo, the conspiracy theories are gone.

No, Virginia, the super-secret high-speed military Aurora aircraft isn't fighting space aliens in another dimension, no matter what Alex Jones or Art Bell said.

(Ed:  Art Bell was much cooler!)

Yah, we miss him too.  Nobody did two a.m. news from the People of the Future better than Art Bell. He was the best News of the Weird we ever had.

(Ed:  this has gone all over the place!)

Well, the title gave fair warning of jibber jabber.

(Ed:  that's just a cheap cop to cover journalistic laziness)

At least I take the time to make up a cop but CNN journos expect you to believe their bullshit.

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