Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Dolphin Ride

Sometimes there's a dolphin ride
and you don't believe
because you haven't seen where I've been
but the chords, the chords
That was mystical
but the Necromancer sends this stuff
and I have no idea what it is
except a dolphin ride

I've never ridden a real dolphin.  I'm sure it's nice.  Mostly it's about being close to something else which really understands the joy of being in the water.  We go to our ancestral home but we don't know what to do there until we see dolphins and they seem happy to see us so maybe this really is home.

Everything comes from the water
and NASA will bring it back here
whatever it is
and it will escape
to grow many times its size
in the New York sewers
much like Wall Street bankers
and then it will come out
to eat us
for high-finance sushi

Wall Street siphoned off our best minds and sent them into a hellish anarchic inferno with no future and no past, only financial reports for an endless now which never goes anywhere because there's no way it can.  It never grows beyond doing what it already does.  It never sees anything except in terms of more of what it can do already.

Those venture capitals
will sink or swim
on some inventor's
idle whim
or genius
in something which changes it all
as sometimes things will
but the inventors just want money
and now they will not build
all of them went to Wall Street
where their inventions became instruments
then the inventors became instruments
of their new toys
since it was never their game anyway

Thank you for participating in today's exercise in stoner haiku.

(Ed:  that's not haiku!)

Smoke a spliff and it will be.


Anonymous said...

Blue Whale migration pretty impressive cool to be outdoors

Unknown said...

Whoa, I never even heard of watching them as I think of them as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. It must be a jaw-dropping thing to see them up close near the surface.